Saturday, August 31, 2019
Individual Behavior and Communication Essay
The Walt Disney Company was established in 1923, by Walt Elias Disney and his brother Roy. The two brothers founded the organization on big dreams and determination. Their primary goal was to make people happy and provide quality entertainment. The Disney organization has been around for over 85 years. The core ideology of the Disney Company promotes a source of guidance and inspiration. The core values and mission of the company is what the employees base their foundation on. Attitude and behavior is attributed to the core values of the organization. The values that Disney represents are maintaining strong innovation, maintaining high quality services, and striving to achieve quality products. The underlying principles innovation, quality, community, and storytelling are what the Disney organization symbolizes. Walt Disney worked very hard to provide the community with an outstanding organization. Anyone who is affiliated with or working for the Disney organization is expected to maintain and be held accountable for the same high standards that Walt Disney founded his organization on. Disney provides quality entertainment for everyone. In order for visitors of the park to receive a memorable experience employees must undergo a vast amount of training. The Disney Company has created a culture in which their employees are valued as individuals and as part of a team. Disney believes you can have happy guests only if you have happy employees. (http://voices. yahoo. com/the-magic-disneys-organizational-behavior-concepts-550698. html). This is one example of organizational culture. Communication within an organization is the key to making any company successful. Disney believes that if the work environment is comfortable mployees will feel free to share their thoughts and ideas, and speak their mind. This is turn can lead to generating creative ideas. Employee participation ensures that everyone is working toward achieving the same goal of providing quality service and a memorable experience to park visitors. It is plain to see that Disney demonstrates diversity and empowerment.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pros and Cons of Using Microsoft Word
PROS and Cons of Using Microsoft Word PROS and Cons of Using Microsoft Word Jordan Morris Lavetta Noel Word Processing November, 21 2012 Pros and Cons of Using Microsoft Word Word processing is one of the most widely used elements within the information technology family. Today instead of learning to type, which was what people did a few years ago, students are taught word processing and keyboarding. More mature users who have been in the workforce for some years have had to learn word processing as they go.In today’s society, whether in private life or professional, it is safe to say that people of all ages have encountered a word processing program at one time or another. Without a doubt word processing software has greatly improved efficiency in the office, allowed for users to more easily keep copies of documents that they prepare and has forced most of us to become just a little more tech savvy than we would have been using just a typewriter. Among the word processing tit les available in the market today, Microsoft Word is the number one choice.With its user friendly design and wide range of features, Microsoft Word is an essential tool for most computer users. Another benefit that Microsoft Word enjoys is its long life in the market place. Word has been the choice for many businesses for well over a decade, virtually ensuring that most people who use a word processing software package in their workplace have used Word, and are familiar with it at some level. As with all products there are benefits that are easy to enjoy, and there are also some elements which challenge most users.In most cases the significant challenges in using Microsoft Word are found in the features which are not regularly used. It is the lack of familiarity due to limited practice which creates these challenges. This paper will now review some of these challenges, along with some of the benefits. For the basic user, Microsoft Word is unquestionably a powerful word processing pa ckage. The basic formatting options are just a click away, the names and functions of these options are intuitive and easy to understand. Quick corrections, or even moving blocks of text around the document is extremely easy.Spelling and grammatical mistakes are pointed out immediately, bullets and numbers can be done automatically, aligning text takes just one click, images and figures can be attached and laid out easily, copying documents is fast and easy, there is a thesaurus feature when needed, there are templates for just about everything, and there is always the option to ask for help via the program. Listed here are only a very small portion of all the great features Microsoft Word has to offer. While Microsoft is indeed a very solid package, it is not without its challenges.More advanced formatting options can be difficult to find and use. Many times users will see documents and presentations and want to model their own output after these things, only to become very frustra ted at their own computer looking through countless menus and doing searches in the help directory. People can also become careless in terms of spelling and grammar, as they know if they make an error, Microsoft Word will come to the rescue. Unfortunately, these composition aids are not absolutely foolproof, and do let some word use and application errors go right on through to the final document without a moment’s protest.Other challenges include such things as when a format has been implemented and as a user one is unable to remove it. These formatting issues can extend all the way down to the appearance of a bullet pointed or numbered list in terms of the formatting rejecting user input in favor of an existing format. These types of challenges can be very frustrating when one has a very specific idea of the desired appearance of a document but a path just cannot be found within Word to make the correction.The temptation of plagiarism also exists due to the ease of using th e copy and paste feature from virtually any one source to another. These are just a few things about Microsoft Word. The list of the pros and cons of Microsoft Word could easily be expanded depending on the experiences of the individual. Unfortunately in order to have the level of functionality within Microsoft Word, it is impossible to avoid getting caught in formats and settings that can cause more frustrations than anything.What is important is for one to distinguish what works and what does not in relation to one’s needs and purposes while using the program. One path to improving the overall situation is a Microsoft word class, workshop, or seminar where one can learn about some of the advanced functions and better manage them. Bibliography Macinta, Timothy W. What's so Bad About Microsoft? 2012. 21 November 2012 ;http://www. kmfms. com/whatsbad. html;. Pilola, Melanie. What is Microsoft Word? February 2006. 21 November 2012 ;http://www. acpl. lib. in. us/ssh/Basic%20Word . pdf;.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Externalities in Business Economics and Oil Industry Essay
Externalities in Business Economics and Oil Industry - Essay Example The demand for oil is unlimited where the supply is limited. Consequently, the demand has continued to exceed the supply (Cashin, 2012, p.48). Externalities in economics refer to effects the consumption of a product or service has to third parties. It is also known as spill-over (Hanson, 1974, p.39). The consumption of oil is known to have externalities in that it causes environmental pollution. The gases emitted by vehicles and from industries are known to be harmful to the environment. The pollution has resulted in diseases to human beings and has caused climatic changes. The changes in climate have had far-reaching impacts on the society by causing droughts which have subjected people to poverty and hunger (Hidden costs of energy, 2010, p.70). The government has a role to play in curbing the externalities resulting from the consumption of oil. First of all the government can compel the huge consumers of oil to try and use green energy that is less harmful to the environment. Moreover, they should place a fee on the large consumers of oil who pollute the environment in order to aid the third parties affected.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
MID TERM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MID TERM - Essay Example On politics as the conduct of governing, Section 17 of the Tao Te Ching provides a pointed observation: "When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists." This can be interpreted to mean that in a state of benevolent governance, well being of the people, even prosperity, is assumed as natural occurrence that people become less conscious of the governing authority. Then he proceeds, "Next best is a leader who is loved. Next, one who is feared. The worst is one who is despised." And we can not argue with that. Section 57 also provides wisdom that people who govern can reflect upon: "The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be. The more weapons you have, the less secure people will be. The more subsidies you have, The concept of war as armed conflict, however, does not appear to conform with the principles Lao Tzu espoused. Section 31 begins, "Whoever relies on the Tao in governing men doesn't try to force issues or defeat enemies by force of arms. For every force there is a counterforce.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing management project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing management project - Case Study Example The critical problem of the agency involves a very important decision of whether to expand or continue the way it is for the agency. Grabbing a large portfolio would lead to expansion and better avenues of growth but it comes with the risks and the costs. Maintaining the status quo would be a less risky solution but not getting any return in the long run. Firstly, In case if the Yadana account doesn’t work well it would have to reducing the manpower hired for the account will damage the agency’s image. Secondly, determining the medium of advertising seems to be a problem, ignoring television would be ignoring the urban and metro market wherein radio and print would require a different skill set for a strong customer base to create. Thirdly, the customer although aware of the market is brand loyal and needs to be educated first. Fourthly, as the market seems to have shrunken it would actually be an opportunity in disguise. Very few players would always give a chance to grab a very large share of the market. 1. The investments would again run neck to neck with operating cost versus marketing costs. If the overall market is gloomy even if the most aggressive marketing techniques are implemented the results remain uncertain. 3. A customer survey and feedback would give a clear idea to the agency regarding the customer expectations. It would also give an opportunity to review its own strengths and weaknesses which is necessary. Advertising seems to be a very volatile business that fluctuates along with the markets and economic conditions. But if all the parameters of managing a business are to be applied then any business after doing an accurate assessment of its own strengths and weaknesses should go ahead and convert market threats into opportunities. Economic downturn is not a bane but certainly can be blessing in disguise. There are some changes which are forced by the environmental factors on the organization, but organizations who
Monday, August 26, 2019
David cole interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper + David cole on the Phil Essay
David cole interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper + David cole on the Phil Donahue Show - Essay Example However, Anne and Margot (her sister) changed course to Bergen-Belsen as they were young individuals and had a lot of energy necessary for labor duties in the context of Gestapo (Hanna 56). After the arrival of Eli Wiesel and his father to Birkenau Camp, they received orders of assignment to a barrack located the Gypsy Camp. They were miraculously spared death just as they were about to step into the flaming fires that would eventually kill them. The Germans were afraid of the Soviet Union troops and they could not stand a chance against them and they could not also have the time to organize the captives. So it was up to the individual to make up his or her own mind. The design of the gas chamber was very distinct and it shows that its sole intention was to ferry something on a stretcher into the raving fire ignited by the gas. It is impossible to define what really went into the chamber and the lower section of the chamber there is a slot for adding firewood. The Nazis as we know them were a brutal community that did not feel mercy and it is obvious that they designed the machine to deal with the traitors. It was a permanent structure due to the heaviness of the material used in the construction mainly metal. I think the chimney was meant to let the smoke into the air as burning human remains have a really bad and awful smell. The interview was an interesting revelation into the past lives of those that found themselves caught in the crossfire of the warring countries. The interview shed a lot of light on the experiences that the people had to go through and bear with the harsh and brutal tyrannies of the Nazis and it provided some form of clarity into the issues that were somehow controversial. I think the interview was indeed educative and promoted comparative studies into documented historical and chronological data into events that unfolded during these
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Wind Load Effects on Skyscrapers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Wind Load Effects on Skyscrapers - Essay Example These devices are utilised in high-rise buildings reaching above 50 storeys. The TMDs enhance strength of the building while increasing comfort of residents. The Taipei 101 structure remains the building with the largest TMD weighing over six tons. This massive structure was constructed using advanced technology providing a significant breakthrough for the engineering industry. The massive structure has contributed towards the capacity for the building to withstand numerous typhoons, common in Asia. In many modern cities around the world, skyscrapers have continued to dominate the skylines. The construction of these structures continues to define the element of modernisation and evolvement of modern city designs. These magnificent structures decorating the skylines of major cities require a considerable amount of planning before commencing construction. The planning for construction of skyscrapers begins with consideration of various elements among them cost, economic efficiency and strength of the structure(Chew, 2001). The element of strength remains most important as it relates to safety of the tenants and other occupants of the building. The strength of a skyscraper remains the determinant element for the successful construction of these high rise structures. These structures remain highly susceptible to natural calamities like earth quakes and hurricanes, among others. During the planning phase for the construction of these high rise structures, those designing components seek to ensure the structure becomes sufficiently resistant to any forces that might arise. The consideration of these wind forces makes the designing phase most important. The forces exerted by winds on the structures remain fundamental for designing of high-rise structures. WIND AND TUNED MASS DAMPER Wind remains a complex phenomenon because of the variations in wind speeds resulting from interaction with the structures surrounding the wind. Wind comprises of numerous particles moving in different directions. The speed and direction of wind contributes immensely towards the effects produced by the wind(Holmes, 2007). During construction of tall structures, engineers and architects must consider the expected wind effects upon the intended structure. While normal wind force could be resisted by many structures, extreme cases like tornadoes, hurricanes present great challenges as they create massive forces, capable of collapsing entire buildings. The resulting effects of wind damage can cause massive destruction as have been recorded. Hurricanes, for example, are some of the most feared winds across the globe. Some hurricanes have enough strength to even uproot trees and destroy even the shortest of structures. During these extreme wind cases, like winds measuring 10 or higher on the Beaufort scale, the wind load affecting tall buildings is normally higher
Saturday, August 24, 2019
What Made Amitaba Buddha's Pureland Speical to Sentient Beings Essay
What Made Amitaba Buddha's Pureland Speical to Sentient Beings - Essay Example However, Pureland Buddhism exalted the idea that even people who had no special knowledge could eventually one day reach the purelands if they had the desire to reach them. Pureland Buddhism stresses that â€Å"†¦ordinary beings are not born in a land of [a buddha in his body of] glory [because they have not ... can earn this distinction if they take refuge in the Vows of Amitabha Buddha and aspire for Birth in his Pure Land†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 This is a revolutionary concept because usually it has been necessary for someone to devote his or her life to religious practice before one can become an arhat, or person who is a foe destroyer. A foe destroyer is basically a person who has cleansed himself of all delusions, any hatred, and any greediness. Once the person becomes an arhat, he or she is enlightened and has reached the pinnacle of his or her spiritual practice. What is so amazing about Pureland Buddhism is that one can reach the stage of nirvana in Pureland practice, without h aving to be an arhat. This is significant because it was previously thought, in many situations, that a person would have to dedicate his or her entire lifetime in order to attain the worlds of the purelands available. However, it is now known that one need not be anyone special or revered in order to attain buddhahood in Pureland Buddhism. Simply the desire to want to have that knowledge grants the person to reach the purelands. Any ordinary, feeling or â€Å"sentient†beings have access to the Purelands if they so desire. That leads one to the next point. As long as someone had not committed one of the five inexpiable sins in Buddhism, reaching the purelands was possible for an ordinary person. These five inexpiable sinsâ€â€which are basically sins that cannot be atoned forâ€â€include the following: 1) killing one’s mother; 2) killing one’s father; 3) killing an arhat (foe destroyer); 4) drawing blood from a tathagata (a buddha’s body); and 5) c ausing dissension within the sangha (the spiritual community). These are sins that cannot be forgiven. As long as none of these sins have been committed, the person is still able to achieve getting to the level of navigating any purelands through which the person desires to travel. Sentient beings, feelings beings, therefore, must not commit any of the five inexpiable sins in order to be able to attain the level of entering into the purelands. Anyone who had right intentions as a sentient being also was able to access the purelands with his or her own mind. Multiple worlds lay just beyond the reach of the ordinary person whose heart was in the right place. As such, that is how Pureland Buddhism differs from other branches of Buddhism. â€Å"[T]he most important statement of the buddha's covenant with sentient beings [was] promising to bring them to his Pure Land if they have the right attitude†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 2 In Pureland Buddhism, what is most essential is a person’s intentio ns. If the seeker has the right attitude, and he or she has a pure and good heartâ€â€it is much more likely that the seeker will find what is being searched for, which are the purelands. In search of the purelands, it is thought that anyone who sincerely has the desire to attain them will indeed be able to access themâ€â€not including those people who have committed any of the five inexpiable sins. In order to have proper intentions, it is important that the seeker purify his or her mind and make sure that his or her heart has only good and true intentions. That means that he or she is honest with everyone in every sense of the word. Some people are truthful but they are emotionally
Mao Zedong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mao Zedong - Essay Example Mao Zedong was one of several children growing up in a rural part of China. His father was a peasant farmer. As far as one can be successful as a peasant farmer, Mao’s father was a success. He consolidated parcels of land, building them up slowly until he owned twenty acres of ground, the largest land holding in the village. Farming in China was backbreaking work. There were no machines to help in the filed labor, so crops were cultivated by hand using rudimentary tools. Mao Zedong was sent to school by his father because he wanted his sons to be prominent among the village boys. After five years of education, Mao’s father wanted him to return to the farm. Mao obeyed, but he was restless. He became a voracious reader and a substandard peasant farmer. During this period of his life, Mao’s glorification of strong political leaders such as George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte began to develop (Chang & Halliday, 1980). Mao Zedong eventually left his fatherâ€℠¢s farm and moved to the provincial capital of Changsha. He completed his education and eventually landed a position in Beijing. This is where Mao met the individuals that would introduce him to the teaching and philosophy of Karl Marx. Mao was above all else a Marxist. He believed strongly in the idea that eliminating the differences between classes in a society would lead to the best form of government. He strongly believed that the only way this could occur in China was to organize the masses of peasants that held little or no political power under the rule of the emperor. The exciting thing about Mao’s life was the last emperor of China was dying before his eyes. He could feel that it was time for something new for China, and Mao believed that the best development would be a broad-based peasant revolt that would usher in a Marxist state. He was determined to be the leader of that state. Mao was a forceful personality and he did not shy away from doing brave and audacious things. One of his early rivals in China for power was the leader of the nationalist Chinese, Chang Kai-shek. A civil war broke out between these two groups but was interrupted by the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, a part of northeastern China. This was a difficult time for China because there was no central government to stand up to the Japanese. Mao and Chang Kai-shek decided to join forces to withstand the Japanese. For a while, there was cooperation, but soon it was clear that the truce would not hold. Mao took his army and followers far into the north of china to escape the Nationalists. This was known as the Long March. Most of the army died, but Mao lived to lead the Communists over the nationalists, who fled to Taiwan when they were defeated on mainland China. Once Mao established himself ruler of China through his authority as President of the Chinese Communist Party, his penchant for strong leaders started to show. He conducted a series of political purges that eliminated his political rivals through mass executions and starvation. Mao undertook a program of transforming China in every way, not just through politics. He wanted to change the very nature of China. He outlawed traditional arts and crafts, discouraged Buddhist and Confucian teachings and branded anyone that got in his way as â€Å"counter-revolutionary.â€
Friday, August 23, 2019
Human Rights Violation in China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Rights Violation in China - Assignment Example The essay begins with a definition of internet regulation and the condition in China and then proceeds to state the conclusion before giving the premises to support it. Counterarguments can be very effective tools to elaborate an argument in an essay. Counterarguments are opposite arguments that help the reader to view the other side of the argument in question. This way, counterarguments help to give the reader both sides of an argument so that they can fully understand what is at stake and help them make the right decision. Counterarguments help to strengthen the writer’s argument especially when the counterarguments are weaker than the arguments being spearheaded by the writer. In the essay, counterarguments have been used to help strengthen the main argument of the essay and also to provide both sides of the argument to enable readers to understand the argument better (Wolterstorff 210). The main argument in the essay is that the Chinese government should not restrict internet use because it violates people’s rights and limits access to information. Several counterarguments have been used in the essay to help strengthen the argume nt and these include â€Å"The government has the right to control and govern the internet according to its own rules and laws within the borders,†and â€Å"Internet censorship system is also very instrumental in safeguarding the Chinese culture against being eroded by the western culture as seen in other countries.†In an essay, the use of various sources helps the writer to read from a wide range of materials thereby getting a big range of ideas to enrich the essay. Credible sources help to give weight to an argument by effectively quoting from materials researched by renowned authors. In the essay, various sources were used to help enrich the content of the arguments.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Vision Quest Essay Example for Free
Vision Quest Essay SUMMARY Its my first time to walk alone, in first 30 minutes in doing my vision quest there is a little harder it my part mostly in my mind, because while I am walking my childhood experience flashback in my mind, seriously I don’t want to remind again my childhood day, because that part of my life are one of the worst part that I ever had, I cant experience the happy and complete family during that time, because of that in this part of my quest mix feeling happen to me ,boredom and a little anxious maybe because of the negative thoughts creating in my mind ,and when I stop at playground I’m just like a child want to play but I control my self, maybe because I’m to old to that in I’m only one person in that place, and I’m just thinking that if any person see me and play at the playground I’m very aware what they are feedback to me. In this quest I’m also feel the day dreaming while walking I saw a various car and I imagine that in the future I have my own car in this part my mind change into positive because car motivate me to pursue my self to finish and studying hard, but during I’m walking the fliers that two guy gave to me change my attention because that fliers are about job hiring and I’m thinking that I want to have a car I says if I apply possible this is the opportunity the me to buy a car but my favorite quotation insert into my mind its about ‘ Opportunity my knock once only, But temptation leans on the doorbell ‘ and my attention back to my study I ask to my self if I finish my study not only car but also a good job waiting to me, and I think in my quotation the opportunity is my scholarship now and the temptation during that time are the fliers that impose to me to apply a work. It also flashback into my mind the words that says my classmate about the 5 students failed in Educ. 7 subject. I feel the hopeless because I’m thinking maybe one the 5 are me, I feel nervous and a little anxious I says if that happen I don’t know what I doing to my self ,the word suicide insert to my mind but later on it change into positive I says I’m not belong to the 5 students I experience a paranoid feeling because of lot of people walk in road and I’m thinking those people look at me and there think something to me and noise of many vehicles’ distract to me to think positive because of this I stop and relaxed my mind to divert my thinking into positive and probably it very helpful to me because my thoughts slowly divert into positive, At the last of my vision quest I think this are the very learning part and it gives me a clearly meaning of my life, first before I end up at overpass at Ligaya road Marcos highway the thoughts insert in my mind the paranoid part of my experience while I’m walking, I says I don’t care other people what thoughts creating in there mind, what I doing now I’m happy and who they are in my self. And when I stop at center of overpass it about 5; 30 PM the climate are to hot because of pollution created a lot vehicle in road and I look up into the sky and I says God how long I experience a risk and difficulty in my life, and a few seconds I turn my head in the other side of the over pass and I saw the ‘pulubi’ and I feel mixed emotion anger and ‘awa’, and I realize that I’m so blessed because I’m not like a ‘pulubi’ they much ‘kawawa’ than to me and in my case I much a lot of opportunity than to her. In ag ain I say to god .thank for what I have now, I learn to this quest a acceptance and learn by the experience, other person blame experience put their into worst situation, but they not realize that experience are best to have a good foundation of our life, other person they not accept what they have now like me .in my quest it give me a clear thoughts or insight that anything happen are helpful to us, it put us in good not to worst ,learning by experience give us a positive direction it remind us that anything that we do always thing if it for better not to worst. Accept what we are now and what we have also clarify into me because sometimes I ask question into my self the word Why, What and How in my vision quest it clearly that those word are no place in my life, I realize that all things happen to me are so blessed. THE SIGN I attempt only one time to use sign in order to answer the creating question into my mind in that was the part that I feel hopeless, anxious, because of the humors ask by my classmate about the result of the grading in one of my subject ,its to very realistic things that if I’m not studying hard I failed. In that part I says if I see a checked sign it means I’m not belong to the five students, and I’m not expected I see the truck of Brand Nike and I slowly smile and creating a questioned how very significant the sign in my situation. But I realize and say I’m not included in five students because I know in my self that I pass and submit all the requirements in that subject, that’s why my negative feelings slowly calm and I continuing doing my vision. In our Biblical theology before they use sign in order to know what god want to us to people in part of Moises before they will do an act they ask a sign to god. In my experience about my quest sign are only help me to calm my negative thoughts, but the truth is all things happen are totally done sign cant change the result, I learn that always aware what is consequences’ in what we are doing in my case that if I study hard of course in return it will give me a good benefits as well. THEORITICAL EXPLANATION Individual experience create a tremendous effect of the attitude, personality and behavior of an individual it very important that in life of individual they experience a complete positively life situation. If one person experience during their childhood, incomplete attachment to their family it will result a negative thoughts and insight , if that person attain the right age what they are experience during childhood it triggers and it cause of Anxiety, hopeless in life and sometimes being paranoid. Anxiety develop during they childhood when they feel fear and no one of their family help the child to reduce fear it develop anxiety to the child. Although fear is leads to increase in affiliative behavior, anxiety is more likely to lead to a reduced need for affiliation. Feel hopeless these negative thoughts develop when individual childhood experience the discomfort of their family, it very important to the child part the comport that the child family give, once the affection of the parents cant feel the child later on it develop hopeless because the child cant complete achieve the love by their parents. Paranoid develop during childhood when their parents always the child here a folk story a horror story it develop to the mind of the child not healthy environment that may cause paranoid later on it triggers and they think a not normal to their environment. In order to be a healthy the mind of the child it very important if we are aware how the help them to have a good mind set, childhood are important for development also as individual be concern of what they adapt not only to the environment but the most important is to their own family, character and personality are mold inside the house or the family if the child leaving in not healthy the result also is the unhealthy personality or attitude and behaviors. The existential tradition seeks a balance between recognizing the limits and tragic dimensions of human existence on one hand and the possibilities and opportunities of human life on the other hand. It grew out of a desire to help people engage the dilemmas of contemporary life, such as isolation, alien-ation, and meaninglessness. The current focus of the existential approach is on the individual’s experience of being in the world alone and facing the anxiety of this isolation. The existential view of human nature is captured, in part, by the notion that the significance of our existence is never fixed once and for all; rather, we continually re-create ourselves through our projects. Humans are in a constant state of transition, emerging, evolving, and becoming. Being a person implies that we are discovering and making sense of our existence. We continually question ourselves, others, and the world. Although the specific questions we raise vary in accordance with our developmental stage in life, the fundamental themes do not vary. We pose the same questions philosophers have pondered throughout Western history: â€Å"Who am I?†â€Å"What can I know?†â€Å"What ought I to do?†â€Å"What can I hope for?†â€Å"Where am I going?†The basic dimensions of the human condition, according to the existential approach, include (1) The capacity for self-awareness; (2) Freedom and responsibility; (3) Creating one’s identity and establishing meaningful relationships with others; (4) The search for meaning, purpose, values, and goals; (5) Anxiety as a condition of living; and (6) Awareness of death and nonbeing. I develop these propositions in the following sections by summarizing themes that emerge in the writings of existential philosophers and psychotherapists, and I also discuss the implications for counseling practice of each of these propositions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
How To Make Macys More Competitive Business Essay
How To Make Macys More Competitive Business Essay A larger chunk of the total workforce is at Macys are categorized as employees who are floor managers, supervisors, cashiers, handlers, and sales associates at Macys retail stores. We have found that this category of employees have a really high turnover rate. There are several repercussions associated with a high turnover rate. If the turnover rate is high, the employees become demoralized in their work duties which results in inadequate efficiency. Although, the high turnover is found amongst the lower level staff but still there is a humungous cost associated with turnover. The cost to recruit, select, and train new employees often exceed 100% of the annual salary of the position being filled (Allen, Bryant, Vardaman, 2010). Based on the exit interviews conducted by the management, it is found that most of the turnover is voluntary and controllable turnover. Voluntary turnover is when employees leave the company by their own choice whereas controllable turnover is when employees decide to leave for reasons that are influenced by the employer. Therefore, it is evident that the high turnover rate has resulted due to lack of managerial effectiveness. Macys employs a diverse workforce of more than 167,000 employees because of which it is difficult to have a flat hierarchical structure. As a result the communication between lower level staff and high level staff is almost non-existent. Therefore, it is important for us to restructure the way we recruit our workforce especially for the positions that require managerial activities. The HR department along with the collaboration with the department of IT, Marketing, Finance, and Operations has realized that there is a need for an urgent strategy to reduce employee turnover because reducing this ratio is one of the ways to make Macys competitive again. The strategy will be dual phased. The first phase of the strategy will focus on how to effectively recruit individuals for managerial positions in the stores. For this pre-employment testing will be introduced in to the workplace which will test the managerial skills of the selected candidates for those positions. The first phase will also consist of conducting employee surveys every six months which will focus on employees feelings and attitudes about their jobs and the organization. The second phase of the strategy will be the creation of a blog with collaboration with the IT department. The blog will give a platform for the employees at all levels of management to communicate with each other and discuss their pr oblems, job duties, problems at the workplace, and how they feel about the organization. The strategy to reduce turnover and increase Macys competiveness will be discussed further in detail in the Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation Phase. Macys employee turnover rate is 3.726% compared to an industry average of 3.1%. It is computed by dividing the number of employees in the beginning of the year (167,000) by the number of employees remaining at the end of the year (161,000). The resultant figure (1.03726) is then subtracted from one (0.03726) and multiplied by a hundred (3.726%) to determine the employee turnover in terms of percentage (Department of Labor, 2010). Although, the employee turnover rate is very close to the industry average, a small difference in the percentages could translate into a significant monetary amount. The cost of turnover is usually the cost to find, interview, train, and equip a new hire. Research shows that a minimum of $1,500 per employee is the cost of a turnover. While $1,500 may not be a huge amount of money for a store to cover that cost. Macys Inc. has a net profit margin of only 1.49% which means that the company has to sell million dollars worth of items to cover that cost (Wolfe, 2010). Since most of the workforce at Macys comprises of lower management staff such as floor managers, cashiers, supervisors, handlers, and sales associates, it is important to lower the employee turnover rate because otherwise the employees will become demoralized in their work duties which eventually results in decreased efficiency. In order to make Macys more competitive there are a number of strategies that need to be pursued specifically by the Human Resources department. The strategy consists of developing an internal blog for better communication, conducting exit interviews for valuable feedback, and hiring managers and supervisors effectively and efficiently. The reason to develop a blog is to give the lower management a platform where they can communicate freely with the upper management. This will not only result in increased communication between the two but also, a relationship between the two will be developed. In this blog, the employees will have liberty to write, comment, and share anything they would want coworkers and upper management to consider. This could be complaints, recommendations, opinions, workplace ethics, job duties, or job descriptions. The reason to conduct exit interviews is to primarily get feedback from departing employees. Secondly, it gives the management an opportunity to retain the employee so as to overcome the cost of recruiting a new employee. The departing employees could be given a questionnaire which highlights job duties, management, job variety, work environment. This way the management can review the recommendation and opinion given by the departing employee and take necessary actions. Effectively recruiting managers and supervisors is also related to the high employee turnover rate. It is evident that the current managers were not effectively recruited because they lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively manage and supervise a team of employees. During the hiring process, the HR department can develop a questionnaire which shall test the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the candidates and determine if they have the key competencies to over achieve their job duties. In order to make Macys more competitive, the HR department has developed a three phased strategy. The first phase of the strategy deals with effective recruiting of managers and supervisors. This will require a development of new hiring techniques such as the use of latest technological instruments to filter the best candidates from job postings. Furthermore, online testing and questionnaires will be developed so as to test and hire the most competent candidate. The second phase of the strategy deals with conducting exit interviews from the departing employees. This will require the HR representative to take notes while interviewing the departing employee because his/her comments, recommendations, and opinions will help in improving working conditions and retaining employees. Sometimes, these interviews could save a company from being sued as some employees depart and later sue the company for reasons they were never aware of. The notes that the HR representative takes can become useful in the courtroom. Furthermore, in collaboration with the IT department, this phase will require a creation of a database to store and manage the feedback received from the questionnaires and interview. Phase three is the most important part of the strategy which is the creation of a blog which will be formed with collaboration from the IT department. The costs associated with creating the blog are negligible except the cost of time. Usually, the cost to create a blog is around $100 which includes a domain name, unlimited uploads and downloads, and unlimited backup of data uploaded on to secure servers. Effective recruiting, creation of a blog, and conducting exit interviews will serve as the basis to evaluate and control the high employee turnover. It can also be evaluated by checking the employee turnover rates at the end of first quarter of the year 2011. A low employee turnover would mean more cost savings from the HR department which could eventually be used to for higher profits and higher dividends to stockholders. Additionally, to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy, the HR department will have to collaborate once again with the IT department to develop a database of the departing and departed employees. The reason for doing that would be, as these employees would be already trained and already knowledgeable about the company, it could help cut recruiting costs for the company.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impact of the Aztec Mathematical System
Impact of the Aztec Mathematical System How the Aztec Mathematical System Came to be and Contributed to us Today by Destiny Harrison, Delaney Garcia, Jaysiya Norman, Jewel Samson, Raquel Cruz, Katelyn Woodley, Kalyna Mai and Olivia Nixon For the competition, we were tasked with studying Aztec mathematics. Aztec mathematics was one of the most complicated mathematical writings of any of the pre-Columbian people. Aztecs used hand, heart and arrow symbols to represent their numbers. The researchers put immense effort into studying Aztec agricultural manuscripts trying to understand how the genius-seeming people arrived at area calculations. [1] Only when they factored in the important and well-used glyphs did the figures make sense. The term Aztec comes from the ethnic groups that were both politically and socially dominant in Mexico during the 1330s through the early 1500s. Geographer Barbara Williams of the University of Wisconsin and math genius Maria del Carmen Jorge Y Jorge of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico studied long and hard over two documents that described the farming properties owned and controlled by citizens in the city of Tepetlaoxtoc for about four years in the 1540s[2]. There are only a few records written in the pre-Mexico period that includes perimeter and area data; shown by Dr. Jorges studies. Most of the documents from this time were lost. The researchers tried to copy the area predictions and originally had issues. When the Aztecs realized that the arrow, hand, and head drawings showed ground distances they were finally were able to come up with some predictions. [3]The system they use to record the areas is confusing, even for modern mathematical geniuses, according to what Dr. Jorge told LiveScience during an interview. She was very excited to see that actually using the symbols made it easier to discover the areas. Each symbol stood for a distance that was less than the standard area unit called a land rod. These arrow, heart and hand symbols were similar to what we now call fractions, according to the studies Dr. Jorge conveyed. [4] They called them units of measure, smaller than the length unit. [5]The Aztecs had their own forms of calculation. The Aztecs used a base-20 number system, and labeled the ones with dots and 20s with bars. Aztec math has more numbers than we do now or at least symbols labelling numerical theories. The land holding documents were written for the use of tax. The type of the mathematics the Aztec used to calculate land holdings was made to be constant with the calendar mathematics which are well known for. The ability to make calculations while using proportions was spread across cultures at the time (Moskowitz[6]). Usually a finger was used to show the number. Going by the dots, one would be represented as one dot;   1 = à ¡Ã‚  § And so forth with the number system; 2 = à ¡Ã‚  §Ãƒ ¡Ã‚  § 3 = à ¡Ã‚  §Ãƒ ¡Ã‚  §Ãƒ ¡Ã‚  § The Aztecs were dominant citizens in Mexico for several hundred years. The Aztecs used a number system that had been around for a long time. It is a vigesimal system as the apposed to our decimal system. The Aztecs used a dot number system. They left behind their comprehensive math writings, and fascinating scholars until this day. The Aztecs had a intelligent idea of what zero was and there is no proof that they had a symbol representing it. The lines and dots look very simple but was actually very complicated. The Aztecs were one of few groups to completely measure out many things in life. The Codex Vergara, from 1540, has representable drawings and altitude of individual fields. Previous study has showed the fact that they had knowledge of multiplication and division and they even had some information about geometry. The mathematics that the Aztecs used was highly based upon earlier versions of Egyptian mathematics; mirroring their use of images as numbers. The images had no order and could be written in any way to still represent the same singular number, just as the Egyptian symbols. The Aztecs used body parts to measure. For example, if you stretched out your left the measure from your heart to the tip of your finger would be one singular measure (much like our current foot, inch, and mile). The system is puzzling, used to record area and perimeter during architecture and other building methods. Still, the measurement system was complex for its time period. Aztecs recorded only the total area. Dr. Williams has analyzed the Codex Vergara (which is what they called the Aztec math). Aztecs used several types of algorithms to calculate areas. Some involved simply multiplying length by width. The Aztecs came up with many different ideas such as multiplying the average of two different sides by an adjacent side. When a measurement did not match an exact number of land rods they used their standard unit of normal measurement, which went to about 2.5. The Aztecs also used mathematics for astronomy. Although most of their information in math astronomy was lost there is a pretty good synthesis of the remaining information in the book Skywatchers by Anthony Aveni. For example the Aztecs used their system to find out that the cycle of Venus is 584 days. The Aztecs even did the math to workout out the eclipse season although they didnt know the shape of the earth or the size.They had found out when the eclipse would happen but they were not total for sure the eclipse would be the total eclipse. They would use the number system to keep track of natural disasters As of what we know the Aztecs are the only early Americans to leave technical documents. Aztecs like to get their measurements right, definitely when it came to taxation. The Aztecs documents were very organized and detailed. The Codex Vergara was created in about 1540, and it involved schematic drawings and the exact measurements of individual fields. It has been revealed that an understanding of multiplication and division,principles of geometry was needed. Although the Aztecs are only early Americans that have these kinds of documents, its reasonable to consider that other groups such as the complex Mayans used similar systems. There is an observation that the Aztecs were living off their religion and that their science and facts were all guided by it. Studies have shown that the Aztecs probably liked to get their measurements right and definitely when it comes to tax. Previous studies have shown that they had the ability of doing multiplication, division and even had some laws of geometry. Aztec math is very valuable because it was one of the first mathematical systems that was made. It was also an ancient tax time. Aztec math is very intriguing; its different unlike a lot of math people do today. The Aztec mathematics helped make the calendar and help make a writing system that uses hieroglyphics. The Aztec civilization blossomed after the come down of the Toltecs around the 11th century AD. By the year 1325 they had found the city of Tenochtitlan in the valley of Mexico and became one of the strongest military groups. The Aztec empire as it was known, was very powerful, lead several other groups, grand taxes, taking sacrifice prisoners and gripping their achievements. A diamond represents 10, a flag represents 20, feathers represent the hundreds, a bag of cacao beans represents 8,000. The Aztec empire was a collection of small states that were controlled by chiefs. Their alliance with the neighboring city states of Tetzcoco and Tlacopan made them so powerful that they came to control most of what is now called Mexico. The Aztec king claimed to be born from the line of the gods and ruled through a council of nobles and officials. Noble males served in the military, in government, and in priesthood. The lower classes worked as slaves and commoners; this category was most of the Aztec people. The Aztec recorded the area of shapes once they found the area. Aztec people were very intelligent, they worked hard to get their math where it is today. Astronomy is the intelligence of planets and stars. The Aztecs developed an elaborate calendar that reflected the cosmic cycles of their religion, called the Sun Calendar. The Aztecs were very smart and intelligent thinkers as well. The Aztec education was valued in their culture. At this time the math they had came up with was more advanced than the other systems. The Aztecs were not just good at math but was also good at science; that helped them with making some of their choices. Their math relied on their science sometimes. Today we use math for so many different reasons like to buy what we want or need but one of the reasons why the Aztecs made their math system was so when they built anything they would have the measurements right and also for taxes. The Aztec Empire was known to be very powerful and dominated several other cultures , applying taxes, taking sacrifice prisoners, and taking in their advancements. This is how they were influenced by the Mayans, not directly but by the Toltecs who had gotten that knowledge years before, in comparison to their math and their calendars. Even though there is no precise Aztec math, it is believed that the Aztecs were taught a Mayan-based math, using the same view and symbols, so it turned out the same way. It was also used in the marketplace for the trading of goods, but more significantly it was implemented by astronomers in the important search of the skies and space, through the calendars. The Aztecs were very religious and led themselves through offerings, human and animal sacrifices to the gods; the Aztec stone was a sacrificial stone made sometime in the 1470s in the temple of the war god Huitzilopochtli, but the stone also represented the Aztec cosmos. There were people charged with the responsibility of studying the cosmos, like the priests who were the astronomers as well. It was obvious that these people needed to posses a strong mathematical knowledge in order to take control and study the skies, and interpret the calendar, so we can see that math was an integral part of the future priests education. The calendars created by the Aztecs were made up of a combination of the earlier calendars and Aztecs general religious beliefs. The Aztecs believed that each and every era of the world was labelled by the end of the 52nd year or life cycle, and that post that either a new era was about to begin or the end of the world was drawing nearer. Every era was marked by a unique process, like ÃÆ' the Era of the Earth Sun, the Age of Great Winds, the Age of Fire, the Age of Floods, and the present one the Age of Earthquakes. These were the five Suns, all of which are shown in the Aztec calendar: the current one in the center and all other four, with their date of ending, surrounding the fifth sun, which is symbolized as an Aztec god (one of the Aztec gods), probably the sun god. The stone didnt commemorate the start of the fifth sun but the destruction of it by earthquakes. The Aztecs believed that in order to keep the gods happy they had to supply them with fresh human hearts, to keep on living. With the Aztec calendars, the Aztecs were able to track important dates with their calendars, as well as use them to study and investigate space and the Earth. They used the calendars to track when they could study the constellations and stars best (see them best). They were good at their knowledge in astronomy and mathematics they used to help them; their system could be compared to the Egyptian system (as mentioned), but also the Hindus and Babylonians. Our opinion on the Aztec culture is immense; we think very highly of them and their mathematical skills. We think that the mathematics is helpful to our modern world today. They contributed to our society by helping develop our own, modern mathematics. Without the Aztecs mathematics, we may never have had developed our own. We might not have started using decimals, zeros as placeholders, time, money, or even numbers in general! We think that Aztec mathematics is very helpful to us. We use Aztec mathematics today in school, teaching, and our jobs. Our future careers may depend on mathematics that directly root from the Aztec developments. Delaney thinks it is interesting to her because the developments of Aztec mathematics helps you with math equations today. On the contrary, Jaysiya thinks it is very useful because it helps us in the 21st century (career, historian, and etc wise). Raquel thinks it is entertaining because it started long ago and it helps us even modernly. Olivia thinks that it is very creative because of the many different symbols used in the system. Kalyna thinks that the Aztec mathematics were a great development in mathematics for the time period it was used in because of the complex equations and calculations. Katelyn thinks that Aztec math is very interesting to learn about, she would love to learn more about it. Destiny says that she thinks it is an interesting topic to learn and that she thinks that it could have been a difficult system to come up with. Overall, our conclusion to this essay follows; How did Aztec mathematics affect us today? Without the contributions of the knowledge passed on through Aztec culture, we might never have developed our modern mathematics that led to great inventions such as the car, keys, TVs, the internet and computers, and so many more commonly used household items that we depend on in the 21st century. How did the Aztec mathematics develop? The Aztecs used a complex complication of developing forward previous systems; the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Mayan dot-and-bar-system, and so forth. But they developed so much on their own, including but not limited to calendars, decimals, and even the late development of zeros as place holders. Works Cited Andrei, Mihai. Science ABCs How Aztecs did the Math., 9 Apr. 2008, Holden, Constance. How Aztecs did the Math., 3 Apr. 2008 Leon, Araceli. Math Use During Maya and Aztec Civilizations., Moskowitz, Clara. Amazing Aztecs were Math Whizzes Too., 2 Apr. 2008, Siddiqui, Ajaz. Aztec Number System., 8 Feb. 2004, [1]Sources? I know its tedious, but its worth it. [2]Makes it sound like Maria and Barbara worked on the documents in 1540. I know what you meant, but you might want to clarify. they studied two documents from the 1540s for 4 years. or something along those lines. [3]cite source please. [4]Not sure conveyed is the right term for this sentence. [5]They called what units of measure? A bit unclear. You guys are doing well. I see the hard work. You got this. Keep it up. [6]In text citations are (last name, page #).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hedda Gabler :: essays research papers fc
Hedda Gabler's personality type is of a different character than Nora Helmer's. She expresses herself wickedly, for her own enjoyment; not caring of other peoples feelings. Hedda has feelings of confinement and frustration, with her life, and directs her bottled up energy at people with an ill temperament. "Life becomes for Hedda a ridiculous affair that isn't worth seeing to the end. Life isn't tragic†¦life is ridiculous†¦and that's what I can't bear" (Henrik Ibsen's Notes). Hedda doesn't want to know and face the reality that she's pregnant. For her, this would mean she is permanently trapped in her life, with no chance of escaping. Hedda ended up married to her husband George Tesman, because of a lie that she told to him about liking a house that he was writing about, to make him feel better. From there she was trapped, because he was the only man to ask for her hand, and was stuck in a loveless relationship. Whereas Nora married Torvald, because she fell in lo ve with him when they were younger. Hedda is living in an apollonian society, but has a great dionysian side to her personality. She wants Eilert Loveborg to come back with vine leaves in his hair, and fantasizes of romantic deaths. HEDDA. What do you intend to do? LOVEBORG. Nothing! Just put an end to it all. The sooner the better. HEDDA (coming a step closer). Eilet Loveborg - listen to me. Couldn't you arrange that - that it's done beautifully? LOVEBORG. Beautifully? (Smiles.) With vine leaves in my hair, as you used to dream in the old days- (Hedda 287) Hedda supplies Eilert with the pistol to kill himself with, so he would make her fantasy of a romantic tragedy come true. When it doesn't, and turns into a mess where she will be the one blamed, Hedda is pushed over the edge, and losses complete control. She can no longer handle her confined, impulsive feelings, and makes her death become the reality she craves. TESMAN (shrieking to Brack). Shot herself! Shot herself in the temple! Can you imagine! BRACK (in the armchair, prostrated). But, good God! People don't do such things! Henrik Ibsen created these two characters as an expression of life. Nora acted like a wife was expected to, making a happy home that was dependent on the head male. When she left her husband and family, it was something that was appalling and that women just didn't do. Hedda Gabler :: essays research papers fc Hedda Gabler's personality type is of a different character than Nora Helmer's. She expresses herself wickedly, for her own enjoyment; not caring of other peoples feelings. Hedda has feelings of confinement and frustration, with her life, and directs her bottled up energy at people with an ill temperament. "Life becomes for Hedda a ridiculous affair that isn't worth seeing to the end. Life isn't tragic†¦life is ridiculous†¦and that's what I can't bear" (Henrik Ibsen's Notes). Hedda doesn't want to know and face the reality that she's pregnant. For her, this would mean she is permanently trapped in her life, with no chance of escaping. Hedda ended up married to her husband George Tesman, because of a lie that she told to him about liking a house that he was writing about, to make him feel better. From there she was trapped, because he was the only man to ask for her hand, and was stuck in a loveless relationship. Whereas Nora married Torvald, because she fell in lo ve with him when they were younger. Hedda is living in an apollonian society, but has a great dionysian side to her personality. She wants Eilert Loveborg to come back with vine leaves in his hair, and fantasizes of romantic deaths. HEDDA. What do you intend to do? LOVEBORG. Nothing! Just put an end to it all. The sooner the better. HEDDA (coming a step closer). Eilet Loveborg - listen to me. Couldn't you arrange that - that it's done beautifully? LOVEBORG. Beautifully? (Smiles.) With vine leaves in my hair, as you used to dream in the old days- (Hedda 287) Hedda supplies Eilert with the pistol to kill himself with, so he would make her fantasy of a romantic tragedy come true. When it doesn't, and turns into a mess where she will be the one blamed, Hedda is pushed over the edge, and losses complete control. She can no longer handle her confined, impulsive feelings, and makes her death become the reality she craves. TESMAN (shrieking to Brack). Shot herself! Shot herself in the temple! Can you imagine! BRACK (in the armchair, prostrated). But, good God! People don't do such things! Henrik Ibsen created these two characters as an expression of life. Nora acted like a wife was expected to, making a happy home that was dependent on the head male. When she left her husband and family, it was something that was appalling and that women just didn't do.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Macbeth :: essays research papers
Macbeth was one of William Shakespeare’s finest plays. Although many people have read Macbeth, not many people know that King Macbeth of Scotland actually existed and what influenced Shakespeare to write about him. English culture and society as well as the historical figure Macbeth impacted Shakespeare’s infamous play. The historical King Macbeth reigned in Scotland for 17 years from 1040-1057. He had a wife named Coruoch and a stepson named Luloch. Although Macbeth did kill Duncan, he was not the gentle king as described in Macbeth. Killing a king was not uncommon at this time as, Macbeth’s 7-9 predecessors were killed as well. In 1050, Macbeth went on a religious pilgrimage to Rome to seek absolution for Duncan’s death. Unlike Macbeth, Malcolm (rather than Macduff) killed the historical Macbeth. Luloch, known as the â€Å"Idiot,†reigned for five months after Macbeth’s death until Malcom overthrew him. Although there are differences between Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the historical figure Macbeth, it is obvious that Shakespeare based his character on this Scottish king. The person who influenced Shakespeare to write Macbeth was King James I of England, who reigned from 1566 to 1625. King James, who was also known as King James 6 of Scotland, succeeded the throne of Queen Elizabeth. James’ mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was known as a tragic queen since she killed James father. At age sixteen, rivals kidnapped James and at age 20, James’ mother was executed. King James was intellectual, scholarly, and an â€Å"insatiable curiost.†His ideal of heaven was the Oxford Library. In 1584, while he was only 18 years old, James wrote Essays of Apprentice in Fine Arts of Poetry. He discussed a new translation of the bible, The Authorized Version, which is the most popular bible today. James also wrote in defense of the Divine Right of Kings- that kings were chosen by God, but they must rule well. King James succeeded in ruling an authoritarian government, but he ruled no better than today’s democratic governments. He was known as the wisest fool in Christendom. James was also eager for social reform. He wrote A Counterblast to Tobacco, which is much like the anti-smoking campaigns of modern times. When Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, he was obviously aware of James concern with witchcraft. King James wrote the Daemonologie, an account of his experiences with witchcraft. Once a witch tried to melt James’ image in wax, and another witch tried to poison him with toad venom.
Character of Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities :: Tale Two Cities Essays
Character of Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities "A Tale of Two Cities," set in two European cities torn by war, Charles Dickens paradoxically introduces his story, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, short, the period was nothing like the present, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree for comparison only." In fact, the author negatively introduces specific characters, giving them an obscured identity. First portrayed as a shy, young man, Sydney Carton, constantly suffering debasing comments made by his ostensibly intelligent co-worker, seems unable to overcome his pre-determined life of unhappiness. Ironically, the `jackal' finally be gan to feel alive upon his choice to sacrifice his life to the Guillotine. Probably the most obvious character transformation was that of Sydney Carton as, ultimately, preconceived notions prove to have been deceiving, as the character began to exhibit another facet of true personality. Young Sydney Carton, associate of Mr. Stryver, appears quite glum upon his introduction at the `Old Bailey'. "Mr. Carton, who had so long sat looking at the ceiling of the court, changed neither in place nor his attitude, even in this excitement. This one man sat leaning back...his hands in his pockets, and his eyes on the ceiling as they had been all day. Something especially reckless in his demeanor, not only gave him a disreputable look, but so diminished the strong resemblance he undoubtedly bore to the prisoner." Due to being unsocial and pessimistic, Carton is familiar with leading a life of solitude. However, while his expression and attitude may have not allowed him to seem an observant man, he took in more of the details of the seen than he appear to take in. In fact, he was the first man to see Lucy Manette's head droop upon her father's breast.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Levering Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
This article sheds light on how some companies approach diversity and inclusion training from a standpoint that may be doing more harm than good. The article speaks to what not to do or say as it relates to diverse groups of employees. Mainly to ensure no lawsuits occur or any laws are broken. However, a recent study by researchers from Harvard University, University of California at Berkeley and the University of Minnesota showed that diversity training that emphasizes the threat of lawsuits actually had a negative effect on diversity. In addition, attitudes about diversity showed no measurable changes after such training. The research showed that the problem with negatively directed diversity training was that it emphasized differences rather than similarities. The training tended to group people according to characteristics, such as color and religion, rather than individual preferences. Noting that race and religion, being such a â€Å"touchy†subject, put managers in a position where they felt they were being intrusive or encroaching on employees freedoms. Getting one step closer to breaking laws or having impending lawsuits. This article was written to suggest an alternate way of presenting diversity and inclusion as it relates to the work place. They suggest that training should focus more on similarities of diverse group members and non-diverse group members. This creates an open line of communication and appreciation that although a difference exists among them they still share common ground. They suggest that the key to successful training and in breaking down stereotypes is to focus on exercises that allow people to relate as individuals. Instead of using words like â€Å"diversity†or even â€Å"similarity,†turn the employee’s thoughts to â€Å"individuality. †At even the basic level all people can relate to being an individual. This individuality is generally more widely accepted than thinking of someone being a part of a â€Å"diverse†group. The major goal in addressing diversity from this stand point also shifts management’s mindset from what not to do to what they can do as it relates to positive diversity and inclusion training.
Friday, August 16, 2019
5 Essential Factors to Improve Memory
5 Essential Factors To Improve Memory What factors help improve memory? Here are five factors that are proven to significantly improve memory, help you learn and recall more and be less forgetful. 1. Positive Attitude While ever you think you have a bad memory that is exactly what you will have! If you say, I can’t remember numbers or, I’m no good with names you are making a self-fulfilling prophesy. You are conditioning your brain with negative thoughts and statements.Your brain will ensure that what you say and think is true and make it almost impossible for you to improve your memory. So banish those thoughts from your mind right now! If you ever catch yourself thinking or saying something negative about your memory, immediately say, Cancel! Cancel! Every day my memory is getting better, better and better! You CAN improve your memory; commit to doing so and celebrate every achievement no matter how small. 2. Healthy Lifestyle Maintaining a healthy lifestyle pays huge dividends.Practise these healthy habits that improve memory: * Exercise. Any form of aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, or even walking briskly, performed for 15 minutes per day will increase the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the brain. This will enhance your brain performance, improve memory and reduce the risk of disorders that lead to memory loss. * Diet. A balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Research indicates that certain nutrients enhance brain function and improve memory.These include: the B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid) found in spinach and other dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, melons, black beans and other legumes, citrus fruits, soybeans; antioxidants like vitamins C and E, and beta carotene found in blueberries and other berries, sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, green tea, nuts and seeds, citrus fruits, liver; and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, herring, tuna, halibut, and mackerel, walnuts and walnut oil, flaxseed and laxseed oil. * Sleep. Sufficient good quality sleep is essential for memory consolidation (storing things you have learnt during the day). Lack of sleep impacts your concentration and ability to absorb new information. 3. Organisation Give yourself less to remember by organising your life. Keep a To Do list of all the tasks, big or small, that you want to get done. Use a diary to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, events and due dates for bills and to schedule tasks from your To Do list.Use sticky notes for reminders; for example, stick one on the front door to remind you to switch the answer machine on when you leave the house. Organise your possessions; a place for everything and everything in its place is a good maxim. Even if being organised does not improve your memory, you will receive a lot of the same benefits, for example, you will not have to search for your keys anymore! 4. Memory Techniq ues and Systems Memory techniques and systems help you learn and recall information.Start with simple techniques such as chunking, breaking up information into smaller, easier to remember chunks, and build up to the more complex systems. You will then have an arsenal of tools to help you memorise anything you want. 5. Practise Use it or lose it! The brain needs exercise just as your body needs exercise to perform at its best and not deteriorate. When you learn a new memory technique practise it until it becomes second nature.Keep your brain active: play memory games and brain games, do puzzles. Try something new: a new hobby, learn to play a musical instrument, learn a foreign language. By regularly exercising your brain with new challenges you will stimulate the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. Pay attention to these essential factors to improve memory and you will soon find yourself less forgetful and able to learn and recall new information with ease.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Fundamentls of Entrepreneurship Essay
Fundamental of entrepreneurship is an individual who takes initiative to bundle resource in innovative ways and is willing to bear the risk or uncertainty to act. The purpose of done this assignment to know and understand that entrepreneurship play role to started new business enterprise. Moreover, entrepreneur for started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), need review performance of his business, identify strength and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company’s strengths, and overcome its weaknesses and finally business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened. Without this cannot complete the task to started new business. Before I start my assignment, I had obtained some information from my lecture and I also get information about entrepreneurship from internet. Through internet I know that entrepreneur of review performance to started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), strength and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action and business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened. Entrepreneurship must face all kind of problem and know need to solve the problem then only can achieve in business, if the entrepreneur run away from business it show he or she cannot face it the business and don’t know how to solve the problem. Task 1, is mention a bout review the performance of SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil. It’s easy to focus only on the day-to-day running of SPM JATI enterprise. It’s simply include business efficiency, financial position, business goals and conduct a customers and market analysis. Task 2, is indentify about SPM JATI enterprise, strength could be seen in terms of SPM JATI staff extremely polite and helpful and your competitor’s staff has very few customer-friendly attributes, products SPM JATI provides cooking oil, customers loyalty is demand, and location located at. And weakness, an object’s look every aspect of SPM JATI enterprise whether its products and service could be improved. Task 3, is analysis the company strengths and weaknesses. And how to overcome the weaknesses of company. Task 4 is talking about help jerry to investigate ways in which business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened Task 1: 2. 2 How would you review the performance of his business? 2. 1. 1 Introduction task 1 In this task talking about review the performance of business of SPM JATI Company. This task explains about operation management. Product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and quality management. 2. 1. 2 Answer Review the performance of SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil for financial position, it’s often fail because of poor financial management or a lack of planning. Often the business plan that was used to help raise finance is put on a shelf to gather dust. When it comes to SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil business’ success, therefore, developing and implementing sound financial and management systems. . Product planning Product planning and product control work hand in hand to ensure that consumers get the products they want, when they want. Product planning involves evaluating the product and placement, price, package and position. SPM JATI cooking oil using product planning. Price must standard and the package look nice and the customer attract to the package. Location planning Location is also very important for service and manufacturing ventures, which have such costs as advertising, promotion and distribution that are a direct result on where they located. SPM JATI company location is very near customer and other shop also. Location has to be convenient for customers and their employees need adequate parking. That means locating near to key suppliers in areas for pick-up and deliveries. JATI company choosing the best location for business that us the first step to target the customers. Process planning A business plan is used when starting a new business or new product into market. SPM JATI cooking oil develops the products and maintains the products. SPM JATI cooking oil planning buys a new machine that is automotive packing machine to improve the business and supply in big scale. Supply chain management Supply chain management is the oversight materials information and finance as move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to consumer. The product flow includes the movement of goods from a supplier to a customer as well as customer returns or service needs. SPM JATI cooking oil supply to wholesaler and the wholesaler supply to consumer this is supply hain management of SPM JATI cooking oil company. Quality management SPM JATI Company maintains the good name and reputation of the company. To gain a competitive advantage, many companies will implement a quality management system to ensure they produce the best products. 2. 1. 3 Conclusion The conclusion is when I do this question I got a lot of idea about the business and also I can understand very well about what is product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and how much important to business. This steps all SPM JATI company follow and maintain the business Task 2: 2. 2 Help Jerry identify his company’s strength and weaknesses. 2. 2. 1 Introduction task 2 In this task discuss about SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI Company strengths is understand consumer needs and provide high level customer service. Weakness is not enough workers in the company and also the labor costs very high. 2. 2. 2 Answer: The impacts of internal strengths and weaknesses on the success of the ‘subject’ of analysis. The internal strengths and weaknesses of you, your staff, your products, and your business. The internal strength that make’s organization more competitive than its marketplace peers. And the internal weaknesses with organization that will keep it from achieving its objectives; it is what an organization does poorly. Strength This involves looking at the strength and weaknesses of SPM JATIenterprise cooking oil. Internal strength of business SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil, could be seen in terms of SPM JATI enterprise staff, products, customers loyalty, processes, or location. SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil,strengthterms staffextremely polite and helpful, very important to be totally honest and realistic. Next products, cooking oil, customer loyalty is when a supplier received the reward of his efforts in interacting with his customer. Customer loyalty tends the customer to voluntarily choose a particular product against another for his needs. Location for SPM JATI enterprise are very good because very near to customer and wholesaler also. So when very near to customer the supply cost become low and can save money also. The name of company very popular everyone knows about JATI cooking oil and the products quality. JATI Company understands the consumer needs. JATI Companyprovides high level customer service. Have a presence in retail markets. And also the customer like and go for JATI cooking oil. Weakness Company weaknesses are a lack of resources or capabilities. SPM JATI Company has higher labor costs. Competitor who can have similar productivity from lower labor costs. SPM JATI also not enough workers and the management are not very good. 2. 2. 3 Conclusion In this task discuss about the company strengths and weakness. Explain about the SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. Task 3: 2. Following the analysis of the company strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. 2. 3. 1 Introduction In this task discuss about the strengths and weakness of Jerry Company SPM JATI enterprise. So need to find out some step to help Jerry Company to improve. And also discuss the overcome company weakness. 2. 3. 2 Answer Company strengths The first strengths for jerry JATI Company are good name in market everyone know about the company and the brand. JATI Company provides high level customer service. Customer also likes to buy JATI products because customer likes the packing and the good service also. JATI Company supply goods time to time. Overcome company weakness After I discuss about strength and weakness of Jerry Company that is SPM JATI enterprise. Jerry can be try to improve the products and packing. Customer service is very important in business, Jerry Company must focus on customer service. First the weakness of SPM JATI Company is higher labor costs. After that SPM JATI company not enough workers in the company so cannot produce more products because very less worker. SPM JATI must take new worker for company and can produce more products. SPM JATI company have 3 lorry but that is not enough for supply goods because a lot of order from customer and wholesaler. So need to buy new lorry, for more supply goods for customer and the business also can develop if supply more goods for customer the company can make high profit. 2. 3. 3 Conclusion As a conclusion, I help to find the steps or ways to help Jerry Company to improve and do much better then now. Next is, found the ways to solve jerry company weakness Task 4 2. Jerry has bought you a one-week return ticket to his holiday home in Penang. He wants you to helpHim investigate ways in which the business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened. 2. 4. 1 Task 4 introduction In this task discuss about to help jerry investigate ways in which the business existing performance could maintained and strengthened. I help jerry how to improve the performance of SPM JATI Company. So for one-wee k I will take care jerry business and help him also to improve the business. 2. 4. 2 Answer The ways to improve the company performance I have help jerry to promote his company name and product. I do which customers buy a lot of JATI product they all get some gifts from company. Next is, I give some donation under JATI company name then only people know about the company and what they are selling or produce. This also one good type of advertising. If company name popular in market then all customer know about the company and the business sales also increase. And I ask jerry to do some offer or discount. When customer purchase JATI product the price be half price for few month, to promote the product. Another idea is make t-shirt for customer, like which shop sell a lot of JATI products give them t-shirt. 2. 4. 3 Conclusion Conclusion is, this is the ways to improve the company performance and steps. When jerry follow the steps above sure jerry company will be improve and success on his overall business performance and also can increase the business sales or monthly turnover can increase. This steps all are very good to business improve and can increase the production of the company so jerry must follow the ways to improve. But now Jerry Companyimproves ready, so for no problem for Jerry Company. I think Jerry Company does better sales and better business management. Because jerry know ready what is steps and ways to improve the company performance. 3. 0 Conclusion As a conclusion when I finish this whole assignment I can understand what is business strength and weaknesses. And how to take care the business and also how to solve the problem. So when jerry follows all the ways or steps of business, sure the business will successes and can make more profit. Every entrepreneur must know the business strength and weakness.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
B&D Hbr Case
Black & Decker Case Memo From my point of view, Joe Galli should pursue a â€Å"build share†strategy by dropping Black & Decker name from Proffesional Tradesmen segment but promote DeWalt brand with serviced and distributed by B&D with an â€Å"Industrial Yellow†color. Underlying cause of B&D low market share on power tools is the consumer perception that: â€Å"tradesmen doesn't want a tool that has the same name as his wife's toaster. Trademan basically viewed B&D as for use at home rather than on the job. Product research, both lab tests and â€Å"blind†field testing conducted that B&D has a highly competitive product quality on majority of the categories. So the issue is all about the branding. On the other hand B&D has a higher score for customer services as opposed to market leader Makita as highlighted on the table below, that B&D should exploit those weakness of Makita.Neither buyers nor distribution channels of Consumer and Professional-Industrial Se gments has any intersection with the Professional-Tradesmen Segment thus dropping B&D name from tradesmen segment will not have negative effect on other segments buying behaviour. On the contrary, tradesmen will be pleased to hold a poer tool differentiated with brand name and color from the home applicances that the wife uses.Also note that DeWalt has a higher awar eness rating than B&D and it has achieved scoring better than B&D on â€Å"one of the best†agreement for tradesmen segment. Since using the current B&D name with a copycat strategy will not get internal support from Nolan Archibald and GaryDiCamillo, going with DeWalt alternative most likely to please upper managent. From the retailer perspective, current situation is unsatisfactory in terms of sales therefore such an alternative to build share will also please retailer.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
The American Dream - Essay Example Thereby, if one accesses the viability of achieving the American Dream in the current times, it seems pragmatic to assert that the American Dream does not seem as much of an achievable option today. A range of social, political and economic facts corroborate to this belief. There is no doubt that the people in America do enjoy a better quality of life as compared to many other nations. It would also be safe to say that the poor in America today are better off as compared to the past. However, it is also a reality that economic class in America is something that is getting more rigid and difficult to transcend. The gap between the rich and the poor in America is further augmenting and the poor are not poor because they are less hard working or less willing to work. Class mobility has become an aspect of the American life that has really ossified (Kamolnick 114). The other things is that though the confidence and trust of the people in their nation’s innate capacity and fertility has traditionally been subservient to the imminent economic circumstances, still it is worth mentioning that the current economic meltdown has indeed shaken the people’s faith in the American dream. This is not because the people have lost faith in the values and beliefs underlying the American society. It is because people have largely come to believe that the rich and the powerful do have the power to get away with anything (Alpasian & Mitroff 143). They have the power to bring the national economy down on its knees, and the irony is that they will not be penalized for it but will rather be rescued by commensurate economic bailouts and privileges (Alpasian & Mitroff 157). One scarcely finds the trust and belief in many of the contemporary Americans that one traces in the works of Anne Bradstreet, a belief in the possibility for individual growth and t he maturity of personal talent, irrespective of the imminent constraints and shortcomings. It appears
Monday, August 12, 2019
The California Gold Rush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The California Gold Rush - Essay Example On January 24, 1848, Marshall was testing the mill wheel. As usual, the water running over it carried some sand and light gravel. But this time Marshall saw something sparkling in the sand. He picked out some small, odd-shaped beads of yellow metal. (p. 6) As the beads were tested and turned out to be gold, Sutter and Marshall tried to keep the discovery quiet for fear that the plan of an agricultural empire would be ruined when people start pouring to mine. Word gradually spread about the discovery until a San Francisco newspaper run a series of stories declaring the discovery of gold – at first as news fillers and later as headlines which naturally fuelled the furor. Sam Brannan owned this newspaper called the California Star. According to Judy Monroe (2002) at first, he did not believe the news about gold either but soon he became convinced and that on April 1, 1848, he ran six pages of articles about how easy it was to find and collect California gold. (p. 16) The news then spread like wildfire and thousands flocked to California from the West in that same year alone. While people came to California in droves, their bulk came only from the neighboring states such as Tennessee. It was after the farewell speech of the then President James Polk that finally launched the California Gold Rush. In a calm explanation of the situation in California, Polk validated the future of those who already came and those multitudes who will go to find the riches in California. His exact words were: The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by the authentic reports of officers in the public service who have visited the mineral district and derived facts which they detail from personal observation†¦ The explorations already made warrant the belief that the supply is very large and that gold is found at various places in an extensive district
Persuasive Research Paper on effects of ADHD on Children Essay
Persuasive Research Paper on effects of ADHD on Children - Essay Example To start with, the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is indeed a malady which is related with neurobiology. There has been some research that suggests the symptoms of ADD as being planted courtesy a chemical imbalance within the brain. Having said that, with ADD there is a mistake in the mannerism that the brain runs the neurotransmitter production as well as the eventual storage at different times thus causing for distinct imbalances. [Television] There have been reports that as many as nearly 80 percent of ADD cases happen due to the result of genetics while the remaining are caused due to different toxins, trauma as well as illnesses which are brought in to the whole equation during the pregnancy stages as well as delivery of the newborn. Also this could happen due to poor parenting issues, domestic troubles, poor teachers and/or schools as well as watching a lot of TV. Thus it is significant to appraise one and all of the understanding related with ADD as it is a serious disabilit y which in essence hampers the various aspects of a human being, despite the fact that it does not hinder with the handicapping Attention Deficit Disorder. The distinction between the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and that of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) hails from the fact that they are two separate terminologies to start with. The same could be so very confusing for just about anyone associated with it in one way or the other. To suggest a proper pathway, the authorized clinical diagnosis is indeed the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is represented by ADHD. To move further ahead, ADHD is reduced into numerous assorted subtypes which in essence comprise of the inattentive type, combined type as well as the hyperactive impulse type. There are a number of people who use ADD as a general name and categorize for all kinds of ADHD. However with the passage of time, ADD has
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Methods Used For Magnesium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Methods Used For Magnesium - Essay Example Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal, belongs to the second group of s-block of the periodic table and is on the left side of the table. Magnesium is represented by â€Å"Mg†and has an atomic number of 12. The atomic weight of magnesium is 24.3050(6) and atomic volume of 14.0 cm3/mol. The electronic configuration is s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. Generally exhibits Hexagonal Close-packed lattice structure. The lattice dimensions of Magnesium at 25?C are Side length=0.32092 nm Height=0.52105 nm. At room temperature, actual c/a ratio reaches 1.6236 where magnesium becomes almost closely packed (Magnesium, 2000). It contains two electrons in the outer shell and being loses them in order to form a positive ion in the closed shell such as Mg+2. The energy level of magnesium is 3 as First energy level 2 Second energy level 8 Third energy level 2 Figure 1: Electronic configuration of magnesium Magnesium is silvery white or greyish, lightweight and strong metal. It is highly flammable metal and tar nished when in contact with air; therefore, it develops a thin layer of oxide. Magnesium is abundantly present in both earth crust and seawater due to its high solubility. However, magnesium is not present as free metal because of its reactive property (Gupta & Sharon, 2011). Magnesium has density of 1.738 at 20?C. The melting point of Mg is 650?C and its boiling point is 1107?C. It has a heat of fusion of 8.48 kJ ·mol?1 and its heat of vaporization is 128 kJ ·mol?1, whilst its molar heat capacity is 24.869 J ·mol?1 ·K?1. Magnesium is a strongly basic oxidant. Other atomic properties of Mg include its electronegativity of 1.31 (Pauling Scale), the atomic radius of 160 pm, and covalent radius of 141 ±7 pm (Magnesium Facts, 2012). Moreover, magnesium is paramagnetic is nature and its other mechanical properties include Young’s Modulus of 45GPa, Shear Modulus of 17GPa and Bulk Modulus of 45GPa. The hardness value of Magnesium is 260MPa based on Brinell Scale. Th e oxidation number of magnesium is +2 and is been found in a number of compounds. Magnesium Oxide, also called magnesia, is the second most abundant metallic oxide in the earth after Aluminium Oxide. Other forms of magnesium in the compound state include hydrated magnesium sulfate (MgSO4.7H2O), also called Epsom Salt. Magnesium compounds also include Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesium Fluoride (Willett, 2007). Dolomite, magnesite, brucite, carnallite, talc, and olivine are the main commercial sources of magnesium. Due to the presence of Mg+2 ions, seawater is considered another major source of magnesium. Magnesium hydroxide precipitates can be formed by adding calcium hydroxide in seawater for obtaining magnesium (Avedesian & Baker, 1999). MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 > Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2 Brucite is insoluble in water and can be transformed into magnesium chloride when reacts with hydrochloric acid. Magnesium, then, can be extracted from magnesium chloride by the electrolysis process. Mg (OH)2 + 2 H Cl > MgCl2 + 2 H2O In electrolysis process, Mg+2 ion is transformed into magnesium metal by adding two electrons at the cathode while chlorine ions are oxidized to chlorine gas by releasing two electrons at the anode. Mg2+ + 2 e- > Mg (Cathode Reaction) 2 Cl? > Cl2 (g) + 2 e- (Anode Reaction) Magnesium has three isotopes (e.g. 24Mg, 25Mg and 26Mg) available in significant amounts with 24Mg comprising 79% of total magnesium. 28Mg is radioactive in nature; however, its usage in the nuclear industry has been limited due to its short life (21 hours).Â
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Pros and Cons on Proposals of Canada Electoral Reform Essay
Pros and Cons on Proposals of Canada Electoral Reform - Essay Example iii). Arguments rejecting mixed member proportional system iv). Comparison of proposed mixed member proportional system in Canada and New Zealand v). Conclusion Pros and Cons on Proposals of Canada Electoral Reform Proposals on Canada electoral reform have sought to address concerns on political representation. In the recent past, pundits and politicians have engaged in debates, which have sought to address democratic deficit. Critics have noted voting trends that are alarming. For example, 1997 and 2000 federal elections, it emerged, that the number of citizens who did not vote exceeded the number that voted the winning party (Tanguay 5). This is among the paradigms that the proposals on electoral reforms have sought to address. While observers and Canadian politicians agree that electoral system needs an overhaul they disagree on the approaches that seek to give a solution to the problems. A growing number of Canadians believe that FPTP electoral system is inherently unfair because it fails to reflect the wishes of the voters. In addition, Canada inherited the system from the colonial master. In the system, the colonialist had instituted it in order to serve his own interest at the expense of the colonized. The proponents of electoral reform observe the following in relation to the FPTP electoral system. ... Second, the FPTP system promotes regionalization, which makes the citizens to build various perceptions about some provinces of the country. For instance, West is either Conservatives or Reform and the Ontario is a liberal bastion (Tanguay 4). The divisions that emanate from principle views of the political system should not create regionalization. It is arguable that a given region may vote the winning party or the opposition party. However, not every individual in the region voted for these two positions. In this sense, regionalization deprives the democratic gains. A voter has a choice; however, the choice should not determine the region where the voter should belong. Third argument about the FPTP is system is that it allows the governing party to dominate the political sphere for the four-year period, which creates marginalization in parliament. The citizens and the critics of this system believe that other political representatives should address their concerns in the parliament (Stephenson & Tanguay 8). On the contrary, this seems not to be the case, politicians representing the opposition interest seems to lie in the cold while the mainstream politicians address issues in the parliament. The forth argument against electoral reform is that the politicians constituting the House of Commons does not reflect on the voters choice. Ideally, citizens vote in order to send a representative who can address their concerns. However, lack of representation in the House of Common shows that the voting process wasted a large a big number of votes casted if the constitution of the House of Common does not reflect the voters’
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