Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Ellis Island free essay sample
This paper presents breaks down, and talks about the book Ellis Island Interviews: in Their Own Words, by Peter Morton Coan. Ellis Island was the primary stop for settlers to the United States in the mid twentieth century. This paper looks at a book which manages the tales of individuals who went through this island. It gives extraordinary understanding into the life of the settlers, their purposes behind leaving their nation and what they would have liked to accomplish in America. The essayist of this paper looks at the writers utilization of meetings as a type of documentation. The writer considers Ellis Island an Americas thin string for the peopling of the country (Coan xiii), and his meetings depict only a couple of the a huge number of outsiders who went through Ellis Island on their way to a superior life. Overall, they originated from uninspiring homestead towns and villages concealed in overlooked European territories and sluggish bordertowns routinely undermined by contorted belief system, loot, and abhor (Coan xvii). We will compose a custom exposition test on Ellis Island or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Coan interviews a few of these individuals who came to America, to discover their purposes behind coming, and increasingly about their lives. He additionally talked with a portion of the representatives who had chipped away at the island.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Making a List of Senior Essay Topics
Making a List of Senior Essay TopicsSenior English essays are very important. They should be able to serve as reference guides, on how to apply the English language to a specific topic, by using proper English rules and style. If you can't make a good essay, you should consider choosing another topic. The contents of this article will help you make a senior essay topic that will definitely please the English professors who are your classmates.As previously mentioned, the main goal of your senior English essay is to use English as a subject for your writing. If you wish to avoid common mistakes in the usage of language, you have to know what to do when you write about something that involves English. It's also advisable that you should prepare a list of topics so that you'll be more organized and can do better in class.First of all, there are several factors that you should consider when it comes to senior essays. For example, the number of topics in your list must be considered. It i s also necessary that the topics are different from each other.In the case of senior English essays, a list of senior essays is commonly used. It could contain essays by some of your classmates, those that have been accepted for the university or college, and those that you have chosen as the subjects to write.In addition, different topics could be divided into two categories: those that are within the department and those that are beyond the department. The topics that are within the department can be divided into the areas of English writing, as well as those that are beyond the department.With the articles in a list, you can also choose the topic that most suits your subject. This includes the topic that you have chosen as a senior thesis, and also the topic that you have chosen as a supplemental course. It could also be your topicthat's included in a joint course.As soon as you have chosen your topic, you have to decide whether you want to write a thesis or not. There are severa l benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before you write your senior essay topic. Those include: Whether the topic is not applicable for your purpose, if the topic is too general, and also, whether the topic is too specific.Finally, there are some tips that could be helpful in deciding whether you should write a particular topic or not. Among them are: The topic could be general or may be specific. Also, the topic should contain some sentences or paragraphs that will be easy to read.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses
Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses By Maeve Maddox A few remarks I got on the post about the types of the unpredictable action word drink demonstrate that not every person is clear with regards to how participles are utilized to frame action word tenses that utilization the helping action words has, have and had. Heres a survey. Participles are action word structures, yet they are inadequate. So as to work as genuine action words, they should be utilized with helping action words. English has two participles: the current participle and the past participle. The current participle consistently finishes in - ing: bouncing, skiing, composing, drinking, murmuring, and so forth. The past participle for the most part finishes in - ed, as in called, climbed, grilled, and contemplated. Numerous action words, in any case, have past participles that don't end in - ed. A few, for instance, end in - en: compose/composed/(have) composed chomp/bit/(have) nibbled take/took/(have) taken Some end in - t: mean/implied/(have) implied creep/crawled/(have) crawled rest/dozed/(have) dozed Numerous unpredictable action words, similar to drink, have particular past participle structures: drink/drank/(have) tipsy go/went/(have) gone am-is/was/(have) been kill/slew/(have) killed Participles have various utilizations, yet right now Im simply taking a gander at how they are utilized to frame the accompanying action word tenses: present great past great present impeccable dynamic past impeccable dynamic Present Perfect The current impeccable tense is utilized to depict an) an activity that occurred at an inconclusive time before b) an activity that that started before and proceeds in the present The helping action words utilized with the past participle to frame the current flawless tense are has and have: The House of Windsor has governed England since 1917. My sister has given each sort of cleanser a shot the market. We have kept in touch with them various occasions without accepting an answer. Past Perfect Tense The past immaculate tense is utilized to portray an activity that occurred in the past before another past activity. The helping action word utilized with the past participle to frame the past immaculate is had: Before fortifications showed up, the adversary had caught the vast majority of the men. Present Perfect Progressive The current flawless dynamic depicts an activity that started previously, proceeds in the present, and may proceed into what's to come. The current participle is utilized with the helping action words has been and have been to frame the current impeccable dynamic: I have been pondering going to France once again. Charlie has been attempting to make the group for a long time at this point. We have been sitting in the recreation center for a considerable length of time. The instructors have been meeting after school to design the new calendars. Past Perfect Progressive The past immaculate dynamic portrays a past, progressing activity that was finished before some other past activity. The current participle is utilized with the helping action words had been to shape the past impeccable dynamic: At the point when the mishap happened, she had been chatting on her PDA. Need to improve your English shortly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the Future60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†What’s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?
Friday, May 29, 2020
Middle East history Coursework - 1650 Words
Middle East history (Coursework Sample) Content: MIDDLE EAST HISTORYNameInstitutionInstructorCourse Date Middle East history1. The great game Forces associated with global political and economical modernity have influenced and shaped economical, social, political and cultural life in many regions of the world. There were major powers that emerged in the last 500 years, shaping the current international states and modern economic inclination and development (Gelvin, 2011). Some of these powers include the British and Russia, who scrambled for geopolitical influences in many regions of the world. The conflict and rivalry between the Russian Empire and the British Empire to control the Central Asia resulted to The Great Game. It is usually marked with 1813 Russo-Persian Treaty, to the 1907, Anglo-Russian Convention (Gelvin, 2011). The two powers tried use geopolitical machinations to gain influence and political power in the region.The industrial and technological revolution, coupled with limited resources was the main motivators behind the great game. The Russian and the Briton wanted to conquer regions like the Central Asia to expand on their industrial production and exploiting minerals and other resources (Gelvin, 2011). The other reasons for the great game were for military strategic plans by British, who show the expansion of the Russian Empire into Central Asia, as a threat to its occupation in the other regions of the world, like India.Some of the success of the British includes the occupation of Kabul in 1839, taking of Chitral in 1895, taking of Hinza in 1891 and the agreement to solely control the Afghanistan foreign affairs (Gelvin, 2011). Some of the failures of Britons include expel from Kabul in 1842 and failure to stop Russia from occupying some regions of Afghan. Some of the success of the Russian includes taking of Geok Tepe in 1879 and Merv in 1884(Gelvin, 2011).Some of the Russian failure includes the failure to control Afghanistan. Current Iran had been under the occupation o f Safavid dynasty, and later Qajar dynasty, which had great influence from the British (Gelvin, 2011). The major empires influenced the modern day outlook and political inclination of modern day Iran.2. Ottoman Empire collapse in the end of the 19th and early part of the 20th CenturiesThe Ottoman Empire had a great influence to the modern outlook of Asia and other parts of the world. Ottoman Empire expanded greatly to Middle East, southern Europe and North Africa. The 19th century shows Ottoman Empire losing the Serbia, Greece and Egypt (Gelvin, 2011). It was entered profligate spending and modernizations which caused the empire to become bankrupt. It was forced to seek money from every avenue it could. The Empire failed to produce enough and imposed greedy and huge taxation to farmers. It was failing to modernize the empire to a competitive level with the West in terms of military and infrastructure. This signaled disaster and its failure to the end of 10th century and in the ear ly 20th century.Young Turks revolution of 1908 took the Ottoman government in the hands of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and Enver bay. Mahmet Ali was in leadership and wanted to revive the process of reforms (Gelvin, 2011). This came with a promise to have an efficient constitution, and great tolerance to minorities and Arabs. This failed to materialize due to the involvement of Ottoman to several disastrous wars, including World War one, with inevitable loss of empire territories. Ottoman Empire experienced a decline in the military ability, just before the World War One. The empire sided with the Central Powers during the World War One (Gelvin, 2011). British and allies pressed them from the south and the Armenians and Russians put more pressure on the north. Turks were involved in genocide for the Armenians, who sided with the Russians. This caused the defeat of the Ottoman Empire together with the Central Powers.Despite the lack of proper military planning, Ottoman Empire failed to develop the necessary industries to ensure economic success (Gelvin, 2011). The other failure by the empire was a failure to develop proper monetary systems to shield itself from bankruptcy. Finally, the Turkish leaders attack on Armenians created a loss of trust to the whole of the empires leadership policies and abilities.3. Middle East adoption of western ideasSpread of modernism from the West had profound effects in some aspects of life. The globalization and integration of the market in the global market, forced the people of middle to adapt to the idea of the western world (Gelvin, 2011). This change affected areas such as areas of government, economy, social changes like status of women, and culture. World system of nation state and change in the world economy were putting pressure on the Middle East countries to rethink their position in reforms.The success of western economy and occupation started to make the people of Middle East to question their religiou s beliefs, culture and government system. Middle East had experienced a long series of empires from the Ottoman, Safavid Empire, to Qajar dynasty (Gelvin, 2011). The western countries on the other hand were democracies with much of the decision reached through majority. Western nations had also developed complex technology and stable economies, not forgetting the military powers due to these advancements. An effort to reach a medium between rejection and adaptation caused the modernization (Gelvin, 2011). The culture changed in the most of the regions and western architecture was incorporated in the cities and town new buildings, these include things like skyscrapers buildings. Women were at some degree liberated and were allowed into the economy and in some regions to the politics. The other changes included the separation of politics with religion as it was with the west. This was adopted by some few Middle East countries and the rest opted for modernization of Islamic, where the government would be more flexible, and diverse. Afghan, for example, started to harmonize the Islamic laws with modernization, to achieve a more stable and cable government (Gelvin, 2011). There was also acceptance and tolerance of art and music from the western artists. The Middle East countries also started economic and trade integration with the rest of the world, opening up trade barriers and liberalizing trade.4. Defensive developmentalismGelvin came up with the concept of defensive developmentalism, which was the copying of the Europeans governance methods by the rulers of states outside Europe and imposing them to their states (Gelvin, 2011). This method of governance was effect...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Examine and Assess How Political Order Is Made and Repaired
Examine and assess how political order is made and repaired. In this TMA I will examine and assess how political order is made mainly through the state. In order to create, maintain and repair political order, the state needs authority from its citizens to do so and this authority needs to be legitimate. ‘Legitimacy refers to a belief in the states rightness, its right to rule or the idea that its authority is proper.’ I will then explain how today, legitimacy is closely linked to democracy and it is through free and fair elections that the state receives legitimacy. The degree to which individuals legitimise the state is varied and individuals or groups of people can also engage critically with the state. Creating political†¦show more content†¦One way citizens can legitimise their relationship with the state is through ‘citizenship ceremonies’ however most citizens do not attend such ceremonies. ‘Many of the everyday practises and discourses of the state, its discourses, its symbols and the ways in which state actors and institutions represent themselves to the people, are involved in the process of legitimation; that is to say, the states claim of legitimacy from its citizens.’ So through peoples everyday practises and activities like paying taxes or taking the car for an MOT individuals are involved in the making and remaking of the state. This is another way through which people legitimise the state. However, ‘one of the main ways individuals express their acceptance or rejection of the state is through the ballot box.’ Elections ‘provide a means for people to question and reflect on this or that government policy, the adequacy of this or that government agency, or the talents and policies of this or that party, candidate or official.’ ‘Today we would see free and fair democratic elections as the main, if not the only, reasonable indicator of whether people have given ‘express consent’ to those who hold state-derived power over them.’ Its possible to see that state legitimacy is closely linked to democracy. This is because through democracy the state claims legitimacy to rule over people in a certain territory. Democracy is a form of political order few dare to oppose (Sen) even if theyShow MoreRelatedPolitical Order1635 Words  | 7 PagesPolitical order refers to a set of organizations, and a series of actions that enables the state to try and stabilize society to create a sense of order, therefore preventing social chaos. Political order and disorder are everywhere - we practice this on an everyday scale. Social Scientists try to connect the routine and micro-level effects of everyday lives, with the larger scale process of the State, which provides an institution for political order for society.This essay will examine and assessRead MoreOshkosh Corporation : An Marketer And Manufacturer Of Specialty Vehicles, Equipment, And Truck Bodies2940 Words  | 12 Pagescommercial fire apparatuses, concrete batch plants, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), all-make parts, aircraft rescue and fire fighting vehicles, financing, aftermarket services, and training. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Obesity A Common Problem - 2023 Words
Obesity is a common problem in America that continues to increase throughout the years. It is a problem because of the life threatening side effects that are posed to a lot of individuals. A lot of blame is placed on the laziness of the modern times. People are getting lazy and don’t go outside or have any form of exercise anymore. Meanwhile, there are fast food chains catering to these people, continuing to increase everywhere people go. It is common knowledge that fast food is not healthy. Unhealthy foods are lot cheaper than the cheaper foods people can be consuming instead. In addition to prices, fast food is also a lot quicker to attain. These low prices and easy access are what attract people to the food and keep them coming back and in turn, contributing to the factors of weight gain in the country. This is why there is a large debate on how food industries are to blame for the increased food consumption leading to weight gain. There are many factors involved when it co mes to obesity, but whether fast food or individual responsibility is to blame will be analyzed. The measure of body fat are usually categorized under the classifications of either underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese. This is based on the body mass index of individuals, which is a measure derived from a person’s mass and height. Having a BMI of above 25 would be considered overweight. Becoming overweight and obesity occurs when the intake of calories is greater than the calories burned.Show MoreRelatedObesity Is A Common Problem1222 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the world, obesity is a common problem. This is especially true for the United States. About 22 million children were obese at the age of five in 2007 (Stern and Kazaks 1), and this trend keeps growing every year. Effects of obesity control quality of life from something as simple as ease of mobility to as serious as mental health issues regarding low self-esteem. The negative impact of obesity influences daily life from breaking down traditional family meals, the amount of physical activityRead M oreObesity : A Common Problem990 Words  | 4 PagesObesity has become a common problem in society. The main debate now, is why it has suddenly become so prominent and how we can help lower the obesity rate in future generations. There are many different beliefs surrounding obesity and this article is one of the more controversial ones. Included in this article are different types of experiments and evidence that are meant to sway the audience in to agreeing with the author, even if that means mocking and criticizing the evidence and theories he disagreesRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is A Common Problem1652 Words  | 7 Pages Childhood obesity is a medical condition of being overweight or obese. This condition has continued to grow and increase over the past five decades. In the US alone there are more than three million cases per year. For one to be obese it means that the individual is significantly overweight for their age and height. The way to tell if someone is obese or ov erweight is by a BMI, which stands for body mass index. Being overweight is defined as having a BMI that is at or above the 85th percentile toRead MoreObesity Is A Global Problem. Obesity Is Becoming Common,1174 Words  | 5 PagesObesity is a global problem. Obesity is becoming common, costly, and deadly. Nearly 70% of Americans are overweight or obese. Kansas is the 13th most overweight state in the country. â€Å"More than a third of adult residents designated as obese†(Dunn, 2015). The obesity rate in the 45 states that the research was conducted in did not change, but the rate in Kansas raised. â€Å"The Kansas obesity rate has risen every year since the government started collecting data in 1995; back then the obesity rate satRead MoreThe Common Health Problems Associated With Obesity And Overweight1706 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION One of the most common health problems associated with the actual lifestyle is overweight. Obesity and overweight considered as one of the most troubling issues of the 21st-century public health (WHO, 2014) is a major risk factor in the development of many chronic diseases, such as respiratory and heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cancers, as well as premature death. Treatment, recommended by a health professional, is based on a healthy diet with all the nutritional valueRead MoreObesity : A Common And Serious Public Health Problem1464 Words  | 6 PagesObesity is classified as one of the extremely common and serious public health problems in the world. Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading global risks of mortality in the world (World Health Organization, 2009). Furthermore, they are one of the major factors of for a number of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer (World Health Organization, 2005). According to NHS UK, obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more forRead MoreExercise On Childhood Obesity Is Becoming A Common Problem1821 Words  | 8 Pageshealth. The growth of medicine has grown into many dangerous fad diets.Schools should implement more focus on exercise because childhood obesity is becoming a common problem. We can create more focus on exercis e by breaking up the exercise up during the school day. Schools should implement more focus on exercise because childhood obesity is becoming a common problem. We can create more focus on exercise by breaking up the exercise up during the school day. Exercise helps kids stay healthy and studentsRead MoreFat Loss Factor Program Scam Obesity - one of the most common problems –impels people much tensed900 Words  | 4 PagesFat Loss Factor Program Scam Obesity - one of the most common problems –impels people much tensed about their career and relationships. A large segment of people are suffering from obesity due to lack of nutrient food habits and rightly clicked exercises. To fill in the gap there mushrooms lots of weight loss programs together with substandard ones. People frustrated with their obesity enter into the maze of thousands of programs to choose the best one. But they get more frustrated when they selectRead MoreImpact of Obesity Essay examples540 Words  | 3 Pages Over the decades, obesity has become an increasingly severe and expensive setback. D. Milton Strokes commented in The Impact of Obesity on Healthcare Delivery that in the year 2000, the United States spent over 117 billion solely on obesity related issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2000, more than 64% of American adult population are obese. These obese individuals were determined to be unhealthily overwei ght by the Body Mass Index (BMI), a system thatRead MoreChildhood Obesity: A Growing Problem795 Words  | 3 PagesChildhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. Many people may say it is the Child’s fault, he is weak willed. This is just a common misconception; there are hundreds of different reasons for childhood obesity. I will just be scratching the surface of this paper. By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness. Therefore
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Question free essay sample
Referencing allows one to acknowledge the contribution of other writers and researchers within the name field of study or work. Referencing can be from various sources e. G. Books, published articles, journals, news paper articles and internet websites to name a few (Said, n. D. ). Any essay or assignment written by a university student or academic that draws ideas from other sources must contain citation. Citation is the form of in text referencing within the body of the assignment. The idea of referencing is to keep a student from plagiarism. Plagiarism is referred to as the passing of anothers idea as your own without giving due credit (Denmark Study Pack, 2010). Referencing is important for successful research and also for ones reader(s) so that they can see how and where the student conducted his research. Referencing is also a way to give credit to writers from whom one would have borrowed ideas. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a form of respecting and acknowledging the intellectual rights of the researcher or writer.A student or academic has the right to draw from the many ideas, insights and arguments published by other writers and researchers over a number of years. All one simply has to do is acknowledge their contribution to the essay or assignment by form of referencing and/or citing the author. Referencing then helps the reader find the original source if they wish to get more clarity. Writing skills are a major role player within a students life mostly because it is the most open channel of communication between the students and the lectures, also giving the student an opportunity to impress his lecturer.If a student then masters the art of referencing, he would have intern mastered a critical writing skill. One should always reference their work as a measure to support his claims or arguments with authenticity. Http:// www. LLC. Nuns. Du. AU states that, by citing experts within a particular field of duty, one will be showing the lecture or marker that he is familiar and well versed with his field of operation. Multiple referencing also shows the reader or marker that the student would have done wide research and would have understood the topic in question.This will help the student attain better marks for the essay or assignment. Referencing is important again because it enables the student to plan his work and also to manage his time more efficiently. These attributes once gained, may also be implemented even in a setting that is not academic. A student also learns the art Of keeping records cause they will be keeping and maintaining records of references and reference lists. There are quite a number of referencing models that are widely used all over the world for the best and most efficient results.
Friday, April 17, 2020
The Vital And Important Factor To Enhance The Market In The Tourism Sector Tourism Essay Example
The Vital And Important Factor To Enhance The Market In The Tourism Sector Tourism Essay Now a yearss many states are sing Tourism selling is one of the critical and of import factor to heighten the market in the touristry sector by carrying big figure of visitants or people both at international and domestically that will assist to develop the state s wealth and economic system. The state s wealth such as imposts, heritage, topographic points and traditions are the cardinal of import factors in make up ones minding the function of touristry selling of a finish. The touristry selling for a peculiar finish needs some of import communicating tools such as personal merchandising, advertisement, public dealingss and direct selling these are of import tools helps for developing and spread outing its attractive force in touristry market. India known for its heritage and cultural diverseness and it s been a batch of topographic points to see and research, which provides many facets for the development of touristry selling in India. India is a sub-continent and being a secular province got major pilgrim s tourers of assorted spiritual hence this pilgrim touristry is really celebrated universally and large attractive force for visitants to see the finish. India is besides celebrated for TajMahal which is listed in the Seven Wonders of the World. . India has got many national heritage sites which are worldwide celebrated for tourer attractive forces. If the touristry selling in India is improved and developed it will decidedly play a major factor for hiking up of India s economic system and its finish in the field of touristry. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vital And Important Factor To Enhance The Market In The Tourism Sector Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Vital And Important Factor To Enhance The Market In The Tourism Sector Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Vital And Important Factor To Enhance The Market In The Tourism Sector Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To do touristry marketing a success in the present universe there are assorted methods followed. The outer environment of a finish can be defined as Micro and Macro environments. India which comes under Macro environment has major forces like legal, technological, economic, cultural and societal on which the major concentration is showed. Developing touristry selling, communicating tools play the most of import function which includes one-to-one merchandising, advertisement, the gross revenues publicity public dealingss and direct selling through different channels. Introduction Author Gunnell, 1997 mentioned that India is the state with the universe s 2nd largest population and it stands in the 7th place geographically world-wide. India is besides good known as the largest democratic state in the worldwide. It is home land for the different faiths bing today, that s why it is besides good known as the largest secular state in the universe. Due to the being of the assorted civilizations, traditions, faiths, imposts and beliefs it made the state rich culturally worldwide. Unity in diverseness is the cardinal rule followed by the people in India. Today s economic system in India: India has got one of the stable and prima economic systems in the universe ; during the recission period besides it did good. India has become fatherland for the many international IT companies set uping their caput quarters in India. There are more than five Indian beginning companies listed on the universe s luck 500 companies list. Among these five companies 2 of them are besides listed on the NASDAQ. It has got some of the taking companies in the concern sectors like pharmaceutical, steel, vesture and IT are some of the cardinal assets to this state ( shrivastava, 2009 ) . Tourism plays a major function in Indian economic system ; spiritual topographic points and pilgrims journeies are more concentrated by the domestic tourers. Major stairss have taken by the Indian authorities, Indian air hoses and Indian travel bureaus in order to increase the flow of domestic and international touristry in India. Due the development of installations like transit, adjustment, substructure tourers find it really easy to make the finish and to transpose. The flow of international touristry is high to India due its cultural profusion. Taj Mahal considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the existence due to its popularity it has become the most popular finish in India and bulk of the tourers are attracted to it. Golden trigon is a really good known bundle in India. For the twelvemonth 2008 Incredible India commercial has won the Grand Prix award ( Westfall, Boyd: Vlo.25 ) . Direct selling, public dealingss, forces selling and advertisement are some of the selling communicating tools that aid s in touristry selling. In today s universe electronic media has become the most efficient medium to pass on with the people, so more portion of the advertisement financess are invested in the electronic media advertisement in order to make the more figure of people expeditiously, to increase the flow of the tourers. is the official Indian touristry web site which provides complete information about the Indian touristry. Indian postal service has got really good repute and it has got a really good history. It besides helps in advancing tourer finishs in India as it is publishing images of touristry finishs on its postal casts and conveying consciousness about the finish among the populace. The hereafter of the Indian touristry looks bright with new policies and schemes followed by the authorities of India. It has following new schemes and utiliz ing latest engineering in order to pull the tourers to see assorted finishs in India by international and domestic tourers. Background Information: Cultural variegation, different types of faiths, linguistic communications, dramatis personaes, sub dramatis personaes and rich heritage are portion of the Indian history. If we take a acute expression at the Indian history, we can happen the earliest hints of the being of human life in some parts of the Madhya Pradesh through pictures at the Bhimbhatka stone shelters. In western parts of India, being of the Indus vale civilisation was found, it was a 9000 twelvemonth s old civilisation. It was recorded that India was ruled by many emperors for several old ages. Due its cultural diverseness, India has faced many challenges and jobs with its different dramatis personae systems, being of different faiths in one topographic point and it besides confronting jobs with terrorist act, naxalism etc. particularly in northern parts of India like Jammu and Kashmir. From the above treatments now we know that India is place land for different faiths. There are four major faiths in India ; they ar e Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity. Majority of the population in India follow Hinduism followed by Islam, Sikhism and Christianity. Buddhism and Jainism are other two faiths that are originated in India ( Metcafe, 2006 ) . India is place land for the broad scope of civilizations. We can see in present yearss Indian civilization is distributing everyplace in Asia. Traditional and cultural Indian households values are highly respected all over the universe. Arranged matrimonies and joint households are some of the norms followed by the Indians. Culture of India is really good represented in its architecture. For illustration, Taj Mahal which was built by the male monarch named Shah Jahan as a particular memorial gift to his married woman Mumtaz. Culture of India is clearly reflected in its traditional music and dances ; it besides reveals the importance of music and dances in its civilization. In the twelvemonth 2008 there was a 5.37 million international tourers flow in to the state. Due to this the states one-year growing was increased by 5.6 % . Tourists from some of the states like United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, France, United States of America ( 15.43 ) and Australia signifier s and 64.34 % of the entire international tourers visited India. Domestic touristry is besides plays a major function in states one-year growing, for India the domestic touristry histories for an one-year growing of 6.9 % with 562.92 million people going. India ranks 23rd place in receivers and 41st place in the international tourer reachings ( Vilanetam, toilet: 2005 ) . Macro and Micro environment of India: Micro Environment: Forces near due to the finish that can impact its ability to function its clients: client markets, organisation itself, marketing channel houses and wide scope of stakeholders and public. ( Hudson, 2008:23 ) . Market is closely related with the micro environmental factors. The factors are public, providers, clients, rivals and selling mediators. There are different types of visitants ; they are authorities endeavors, providers, and family. They besides can act upon the touristry selling. In order to keep the touristry demand it is really of import to do attempts to hold assorted types of providers. By establishing the promotional strategies in touristry industry rivals can strongly impact the market. Tourism selling can be affected by the attitude of the local people towards the tourers. Macro Environment: Macro environment comprises of all agents and forces holding distance relationship with the selling. So the factors of macro environment are ( McCabe, 2009 and Drummond and Ensor, 2005 ) . Social environment Economic environment Legal environment Technological environment Political environment Social environment: There will be assorted factors impacting the tourers as India is a multi-socio-cultural finish. The societal factors include imposts, traditions, household, population, faith, income instruction and life criterions. For illustration: Millions of tourers are attracted from all over the universe in order to go to the spiritual event Kumbh mela ( Keegan, Green: 2008 ) . Economic environment: Due to the particular significance in the Economic environment it has been divided in to three parts ( Singla: 2006-07 ) . They are. Economic system: This system chiefly concentrates on the apprehension of the full economic environment, which comprises of three sorts ; they are socialistic economic system, capitalistic economic system and assorted economic system. For assorted economic system India is considered as one of the best illustration. In India finishs are controlled by both Private and authorities organisations. For illustration: depending up on the fiscal position of the single tourers they can choose the private or authorities travel bureaus. By and large authorities travel bureaus are cheaper when compared to the private travel bureaus. Economic policies: The economic policies are introduced in order to direct the economic activities. Employment revenue enhancement, Export /Import policies, public money, agribusiness industry are some of the activities that are Included in the economic policies. All these policies have different types of influences on the finish selling. For illustration: International travelers are charged higher than the normal charge for the domestic traveler to see an heritage site. Economic status: Economic conditions are the conditions recited with the capablenesss of the economic development at the tourer finish, for illustration: natural resources, foreign capital, national income, foreign trade and industrial development. Legal environment: In order to modulate the environment many legal Acts of the Apostless were passed in India. Indian authorities has passed many Acts of the Apostless like gross revenues of goods act, trade grade act, Indian partnership act etc. Incredible growing has been seen in the foreign exchange country, by the remotion of revenue enhancement on the foreign direct investing. For the visitants from the Afghanistan and Pakistan have particular ordinances where as the visitants from Burma and Maldives get entry base on ballss to the state really easy. Technological environment: In India twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours the roar of engineering is turning. has gone on societal networking sites I order to promote its visitants online. Due to the high use of telecastings in India, it showed the grater affect on the wireless and film Industry in India. Due to technological development like Internet, telecastings etc. the tourers are able to cognize about the finishs before they visit them personally. Booking tickets and doing reserves have become quite easy for the tourers due to the technological development ( Cooper. Wanhill: 2008 ) . Political environment: India is a land with many political parties bing in it. Each political party is different from each other and has different types of attitudes towards the touristry industry. But when it comes to the states respect all will be united for illustration: The cause that the Taj Mahal has to be included in Seven Wonders of the World has been supported by all political parties in India and appealed everyone to vote for Taj Mahal in order to put its name in Seven Wonders of the World ( Hudson, 2008 ) . Marketing communicating tools: A critical map of marketing communicating is besides the possibility to respond, as opposed to an act or usage of information transmitted outside the direct control of the organisation. ( McCabe, 2009:8 ) . Integrated selling communications: The integrating of all selling communicating tools, every bit good as trade name and corporate messages so they send a persuasive and consistent message to aim audience. ( Hudson, 2008:258 ) . Assorted activities are required in order to construct a selling plan. These activities are differentiated in to four types ; they are Promotion, Product, Place and Price. These are known as 4ps of marketing mix. Promotion is involved in the activities like personal merchandising, advertisement, direct selling, public dealingss, and gross revenues publicity. Merchandises are engaged in the activities same to the ingestion of the existent merchandise i.e. determinations about finish design, quality and other assorted services. Topographic point is good known as distribution. Selling coverage, distribution channels, stock list, locations and transits are the portion of distribution. Particular touristry bundles, price reductions on touristry merchandises like travel tickets are some of the countries where the monetary value will be covering ( Shah, souza: 2009 ) . Marketing communicating tools are: Ad Personal merchandising Public dealingss Gross saless publicity Direct selling Channels consist of scope of media such as: Internet Television Newspaper and magazines Postal and telecommunications Radio Ad: it brings attending towards the present market sing the information of the administration, its services and merchandises and this is the most powerful and of import tool for any finish and it is specific signifier of marketing communicating . ( McCabe 2009:2008 ) . The advertisement has set up some aims are to carry, inform, remind and heighten the selling schemes. In advertisement there are assorted types of schemes to develop any selling conditions they are: ( Shah, Dsouza, 2009 ) . Appendix 1 clearly shows the different advertisement schemes Personal merchandising: Personal gross revenues are a verbal communicating with the possible client to increase the merchandises sale. The demonstrating of any merchandises and its word pictures were Presented by a individual with a position to sale affects the consumer purchasing behavior. Personal sale goes from individual to individual communicating via personal media like over the phone, face to face, picture conferencing and online confab. Especially personal merchandising is non an of import tool for marketing touristry but it gives the enthusiasm towards visitants through reactions of personal gross revenues individuals about any finish ( Keegan, Green, 2008 ) . national advertisement, Public service advertisement, , Retail advertisement, Corporate advertisement, Brand edifice advertisement, Business to concern advertisement ( B2B ) , Tactical advertisement, Selective demand advertisement, Advocacy advertisement and Primary demand advertisement are different signifiers of advertisement. Tourism of any finish is developed chiefly by advertisement. Ad on electronic media particularly telecasting is chief beginning to catch the attending of visitants to any peculiar finish. India has 28 provinces with different civilization and heritage therefore each province has its ain run and advertisement within their boundaries and all over the state through advertisement on telecasting to promote their touristry development in their province. Radio is little than telecasting but it is one of the powerful and of import tool in advertisement to make the larger visitants in the whole state. Newspaper is the cheapest and easiest manner to reassign the informations to pull more visitants to cognize about the touristry in a peculiar finish. Public dealingss: The function of public dealingss are plays a critical function in marketing mix of any finish. The activities of public dealingss follows piecing people or tourers, programs, policies etc. to develop any finish the public dealingss are indispensable to keep relationships in authorities, media, clients, stockholders and employers and administrations etc. and other constituents of the public dealingss are fund-raising, engagement in society, event sponsoring. Since 10 old ages India has built up an built-in portion of marketing mix with the aid of public relationships which gives liberalization to Indian economic system and encouragement to the touristry sector in India. The betterments in India were made to understand and pull offing the media and non-media and educate clients on the usage of public dealingss expeditiously. ( Mantri, 2009 ) . Gross saless publicity: gross revenues publicity is quickly increasing in India. And it is one of the of import factors in the communicating selling mix to develop touristry. Gross saless publicity is the group of tools which enhance the gross revenues of a merchandise through price reduction offers, discounts, monetary value decreases, gift vouchers, some buying stuffs and samples. For illustration: to pull the maximal figure of people, both private bureaus and authorities have their ain and fast gaits schemes in gross revenues publicities such as particular offers, budget and advanced circuit bundles which is like coachs and railroads are supplying price reduction menus to pull the visitants during vacation and summer season. Direct selling: There are no mediators are engaged in between visitant and finish and this procedure is known as direct selling. There are many ways to make the direct selling are: teleselling, telecasting, wireless, cyberspace, facsimile, beeper, postal service and electronic mail. For illustration: cyberspace is the best illustration for direct selling. VSNL is the Indian authorities cyberspace supplier to air the whole state and even some of the private companies supplying cyberspace such as TATA, Reliance, Airtel and Idea etc. are the prima cyberspace suppliers. Email and mentality are the most common factor of advertisement largely find in concern cards, web sites, and mass media advertizements. Harmonizing to the Ashwin ( 1999 ) stated that telecasting is the most powerful tool in India and covers about 80 % of advertizements by offering many channels in Indian continent. India is the 2nd prima state in the gross revenues of day-to-day newspapers. India is providing daily 320 different types of newspapers throughout the state. The Hindu, Indian express and Times of India are the chief prima newspapers in India. The newspapers provide the information of authorities and its current issues straight to tourers and readers. ( Keegan, Green, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Shah, DSouza ( 2009 ) the selling communicating tools have both pros and cons are: Ad: telecasting is the chief beginning of advertisement for any finish to develop touristry sector. Through advertizements in telecasting the peculiar finishs are shown in a positive manner and could nt supply the complete and necessary inside informations to tourers. Personal merchandising: personal merchandising can be achieved by explicating a tourer to his experience to other group of people to make enthusiasm or ardor towards them to see the peculiar finish. As we discussed earlier India is celebrated for pilgrim touristry with its alone building of temple and some other heritage sites, this makes peoples to see the topographic points when it is communicated by the already been visitant. India is the glances of heritage and civilization many international tourers are sing India to see beautiful and alone architecture. Personal merchandising is different and it does non demo much impact on touristry because each visitant has its ain gustatory sensation and ain ocular and sometimes the visitant does nt experience the same impact of what other have already felt. ( Aditya, 2009 ) Direct selling: engineering and postal services are the anchor to the direct selling. And this is one on one ( 2 manner ) communicating through direct selling merely a limited group of people are benefited and this could nt manage or pull bulk tourers. Public dealingss: public dealingss are chiefly targeted to many tourers through good will and comparatively inexpensive services to offer in a finish. The public dealingss are more powerful through cyberspace which is really synergistic, relatively low cost, direct media, and sharing information up to day of the month is ever available.the public dealingss has some restrictions such as extremely expensive, low proctor publications, complications in measurings and do non hold a direct impact on the touristry sector of a finish. Gross saless publicity: local tourers are most good through gross revenues and advancing and maintaining off the international tourers to pull the tourer finish. First in India there is no proper selling for gross revenues and publicities of a finish to make the international broad. At least the local tourers were being benefited and have a good trade to see the topographic points. Future development Harmonizing to Raina, Agarwal ( 2004 ) stated that the hereafter development and selling communicating scheme in India are: Since 2 old ages Indian touristry is developing and reached highest degree of market with the made of latest esthesis Incredible India . Through the being of Incredible India has maximised the touristry market in the universe broad context. There are more domestic and international tourers were attracted of its new scope hence it will imply the one-year growing of touristry in India. Indian touristry ministry is concentrating to develop the touristry in many ways. The antediluvian sites in Jaipur and Raipur are being altering into get oning topographic points and hotels where tourers both domestic and international felt the esthesis with Indian architecture as a portion of tourer activities. Many rural countries are existed in India with a charming potency of touristry. Ministry of India started constructing up airdromes and star hotels in the rural countries and doing those countries as tourer finishs. Number of international and local flights frequence are increased and ministry of Indian touristry is being giving highest precedence to safety and wellness of tourers who visited to these destinations.Listen India is the hub for Ayurveda and yoga where these medicines increasing the figure of international visitants to India as a medical touristry. Future development of touristry has a batch of range with the present schemes of medical touristry India. Indian finishs are utilizing wide scope of cyberspace services to advance their finish besides internet educate, gives the accurate inside informations and conditions of the finishs to the international tourers. Indian touristry ministry is more endeavoring to utilize new engineerings to make the tourers easy therefore new development can be seen in close hereafter with the aid of new engineerings utilizing by Indian touristry. Many new finishs are increasing and postal services utilizing unbelievable India for their freshly produced casts and many new schemes are working to convey the Indian finishs are best in the close hereafter. The touristry in India should follow some selling policies such as touristry selling to be done in local and internationally in the signifier of hostility.the hostility of touristry combined the tourers from all over the universe which gives the clear thought about touristry demand in India, planning and diversifying elements, fight, kineticss and ultimate rules of touristry activities and besides increase the scope and pride to the specific finish selling in India. Decision: In decision, India is the largest state and where it is rich in heritage and civilization is rich for its democracy, secularism, people, political relations, touristry and state s wealth and economic system. Micro and macro environments are 2 of import factors for any state s development in footings of economic system. Macro environment is the chief factor where India is influenced by it, as macro environments is influenced by telecasting, advertisement, mass media, postal service and wireless in small town countries. 4P s ( monetary value, publicity, topographic point and merchandise ) are the indispensable factors for the touristry selling and helps in work outing debatable issues to tourers and their finish. Making the finish s information available and making involvement towards to visitants to see the finish were done by the tool called as touristry selling communications. Tourism selling communications are used by assorted types in advancing finish through gross revenues publicity, advertisement, direct selling, public dealingss and personal merchandising. In marketing communicating there are besides other tools are used to advance finish such as packaging, sponsorship, licensing and fortes are included as a portion of communicating tool. Through selling communicating the finishs are favorable and profitable by increasing the degree of involvement among the visitants to see the finish. The authorities and local community of the finish are required to analyze the strengths and failing of the touristry selling communicating tools to accomplish the ends and aim of communicating mix. To heighten and better the touristry sector, the authorities of India is responsible to make farther research on touristry selling communicating tools as a farther scheme to pull the visitants to finish. The Indian authorities confronting some challenges to advance touristry market by utilizing communicating tools, it is possible to get the better of all the challenges comfortably
Friday, March 13, 2020
The Basics of Narrative Voice
The Basics of Narrative Voice The Basics of Narrative Voice â€Å"Narrative†refers to how a story is told. A â€Å"narrative voice,†then, is a voice that tells a story. This makes it important for authors to understand the basics! In this post, therefore, we’re looking at key aspects of narrative voice. Grammatical Person One key element of narrative voice is point of view. This is reflected in the grammatical person used. In most narrative writing, this will either be first person or third person: First-person narration tells a story from the point of view of the narrator (i.e., using â€Å"I†or â€Å"we†pronouns). This will often be the main character in the story, but it could also be someone else recalling what they witnessed or a story they heard. In third-person narration, the narrator isn’t the main focus of the story. They may be part of the story, such as an onlooker giving their version of events. But a third-person narrator may also be the disembodied voice of the â€Å"author†telling the story. Either way, they refer to characters with third-person pronouns such as â€Å"he,†â€Å"she,†and â€Å"they,†but not â€Å"I†or â€Å"we.†While not impossible, it is unusual to use the second person in narration. This is because it involves addressing the reader directly, as if you were telling a story about the person reading it! What Does the Narrator Know? A narrator can be either limited or omniscient. A limited narrator knows only what they would know within the bounds of the story (e.g., a character recounting their version of events). An omniscient narrator knows everything that is happening in the world of the story. First-person narrators are usually limited since first-person narration is subjective. But third-person narrators can be either limited or omniscient depending on their relation to the story itself. Narrative Reliability Another element of narration is how trustworthy the narrative voice is. A reliable narrator provides a straightforward, credible account of events. An unreliable narrator, on the other hand, tells a story that should not be taken at face value. This may be because the narrator is lying, misinformed, or even insane. The point of this is to: Make the reader question what they are being told Show the reader something about the narrator For example, an unreliable narrator may be trying to persuade the reader to sympathize with an unsympathetic character, such as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Or it can be used to show us how the world appears to the narrator, such as in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, where the story is told from the point of view of an autistic child. Both good books, albeit in very different ways. Combining These Elements in Narrative Voice You can combine the elements above in various ways. As mentioned, for example, a third person narrator can be either limited or omniscient. You can also use different narrative voices in different parts of a story. Try experimenting with telling your story in different ways. They key is finding a voice that works for you. To work out what type of narration to use: Think about what you want to reader to feel and think as they read Consider how you want the reader to relate to the narrator Work out what type of voice will let you achieve this Whatever you choose to do, though, remember that narrative voice is an essential part of storytelling.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The habeas laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The habeas laws - Essay Example . The notable ones among these include the Vietnamese war, the war with the Iraqi government under the strong leadership of the famous President Sadam Hussein, the war against Osama bin Laden and his Afghanistan based terrorists group, The Al Qaeda, commonly known as the war on terror are some of the most recognized wars that the America government has fought since the end of the cold wars. The war on terror against the terror group of Afghanistan under the leadership of Osama bin Laden begun as a result of the bombing attacks on the twins tower and world trade center in Washington DC which led to the death of hundreds of people, dozens escaping with injuries of various degrees and thousands around the world grieving for the loss of their loved ones, friends and relatives. Over seven hundred prisoners have been captured In relation to these attacks, a couple of them have been tried and released without fines while some of them, around 169 are still serving jail terms in GITMO, a prison inside a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on land leased from the government of Cuba. The bush administration chose on this land for the detention of these prisoners in order to escape the legal challenges that would arise from the supreme courts of America questioning the authenticity for the indefinite detention of the prisoners of war by the bush administration contrary to the requirements of the habeas corpus laws which gives rights to the detainees to be heard before detainment. The habeas corpus laws states that, any persons detained by the government is entitled to a judicial hearing to determine if there is any legal basis for their detention, that is, the law protects any detainee from detention lacking sufficient cause or evidence which is in line with articl e 1, section 9 of the constitution of the united states of America which states that â€Å"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." (Jackson, 2006, 312) This paper will examine the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror on the bid to offer protection to the detainees at GITMO and it origin development and existence in the American and British context today. The general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution The habeas laws found their way into the American constitution through the suspension laws defined in the constitution of the United States of America which included the common laws of England. As a result this law was supported by the enactment of the article 1 section 9, clause 2 of the constitution demanding that â€Å"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invas ion the public safety may require it." (Turner, 2002, 115) Carpenter notes that from the onset of this enactment, the constitution of the united states accords every person an undisputable right to make a plea to the federal courts for the summons of habeas corpus in case of any form of detention filled as pro se cases whereby the government is usually called upon to answer before the court the logical reason behind the arrest and detention of an individual by state authorities (Carpenter, 1902, 25). The habeas laws were then transmitted down to the individual state governments which as well allow their respective citizens to petition the state authorities in their own state courts with respect to their individual state constitutions when they happened to be sentenced by the state authorities. The federal habeas did not apply to those under police custody even up to the time of the war on terrorism. In order to ensure that state courts implement the federal
Monday, February 10, 2020
Citizen Kane and Deat of a Salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Citizen Kane and Deat of a Salesman - Essay Example bears his greatest source of frustration since, despite his looking forward to his elder brother’s prosperity, he ends up a poor man, demoted and stopped from working. His entire life has little depictions of achieving what he ever wanted. On the contrast, Charles seem very prosperous in his life. He is a prominent icon in the journalism department as he makes the deeming decisions at yellow journalism. His prosperity is well defined in his prominent relationship with the president where he ends up vying for the New York state governor seat along with his marriage to the president’s daughter, Emily. When compared to Willy, Charles seems to have anything he needs at his possession. He has a great family; a wife and a son with immense prosperity depicted in the kind of career he lead. We learn that Willy had always wanted to be like his prosperous diamond oriented brother only for him to work for long years with an ultimate termination on his work life. He ends up living on the basis of childhood fantasies of which he never came into a consensus with ideas of his maturity. Apparently, both icons in the two films end up as failures especially in the mannerisms through which they handled relationships. Charles ends up a lonely man, with two divorced wives; Emily and Susan. He does very little to maintain a good relationship both to his family and to himself. It gets to a point that he shuns people from entering his mansion where he only interacted with his workers. It is clear that Charles fails in maintaining healthy relationships though on the other hand Willy succeeds a bit in maintaining his family but dies an unsatisfied man. Unlike Willy, Charles may have experienced a dead end in the kind of relationships he had, but it seems like he has always wanted a life for himself. He is unhappy on losing everything with reference to his nature where he has always wanted everything for himself. Life looses meaning to him to the point that he dies a happy man. He
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Early Childhood Education and Children Essay Example for Free
Early Childhood Education and Children Essay Are there any benefits for children stay one of parent with them at home? Mothers who stay at home are helpful for their family. Many mothers prefer to give their children to their mothers, but if there is not grandmother to care child, that will be problem especially if the child is still baby or infant. Mothers are compelled to find a place to put their child there. Many kinds of places that may mothers join their child to stay there and to have education, such as to educational settings which consist of early child education, pre-school, nursery school, and pre-kindergarten. Also, there are many places to get care and education for children nanny, governess, babysitting, au pair, and extended family, for example. In fact, mother’s decision; that choosing stay with her children at home or going to work and joining her children in convenient place, is important critical for her. A mother who stays at house are more probable to have time to be involved with their children. Those mothers who stay home is able to become more completely involved their children activities. For example, mother will give carful and interest for her children. Moreover, many people mention to needs childhood such as feeding, sustenance, and nurturing. Most women have been housewife to be breadwinners, and to be caretakers. â€Å"Child care can cost up to $15,000 for one year in the United States. Approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers†(Lynn, 2002). Indeed, many societies have been assumed that women will stay home and take care of their children while their spouses go out and work. In addition, woman pregnancy suffers to go out and doing hard work many hours without rest times, but when she stay home will get time to have rest and lying. Many mothers work to be ready for unexpected situations like a husbands unemployment, husband’s death, a divorce, or sickness. In fact, nobody wants to be working more than eight hours a day and missing his or her family life. In encouragement of mothers who want to work, Dr. Phil says that many mothers optimism to be a parent and pursue an occupation and they often become miserable when they are stuck just in a parenting capacity. If the child is mothered by a parent who is feeling frustrated and depressed and empty, that is not a good thing, he says. Even though some parents are now separated, father continues in the role of primary caregiver to his children, while mother continue to support her family. A man is not hard to give up the traditional role as breadwinner. However, A woman can be more responsibility to earn money and take care for her family. A lot of women have been socialized to be service workers for their societies, not solely to be housewife. Some time a man feels difficult to abdicate some things like giving up self-worth, feelings of masculinity and personal power. It can be tough on men, especially in the beginning. In conclusion, its these deeper issues. Making the decision to stay home with your children or join the workforce can be a difficult process. It appears approximating employed moms just cant success. Every woman has dream to be effective in her society and earn money, but she will face challenges with her care children. Sources 1. Dr. Phil: http://drphil. com/articles/article/284 2. Olson, Lynn (2002). [According to the 2002 Quality Counts survey conducted by Education Week, approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers. Starting Early]. Education Week 21 (17): 10–11. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Proverbs Essay -- Bible Religion
Proverbs: Choice and Discernment, the Two Ways of Living      In studying the book of Proverbs there is a similar theme of choice and discernment, the teachings of decision-making and the repercussions of your actions. These books are made up of extremes and polar opposites. The dualisms are the rich and poor, the righteous and the wicked, and the wise and the foolish. There is advice given and it is up to the judgment of the person to which category they will fall into. There are two ways of living, and based on the person’s discernment and ultimate choice to which one they will get to live.      This paper will focus on Proverbs 10, 12, and 14, Solomon’s Proverbs, to display this theme of choice and discernment. Proverb 10 is an antithetical parallelism, because the second line is opposite of the first. This passage is both observational and didactic. Some of the passages are subtle entities and some are teachings that promote an ideal. â€Å" Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their mothers grief†(10:1). This first passage is very simple; if you are wise, then you will be good to your parents, the teaching is, do not be foolish. The next passage has great insight, â€Å"wealth you get by dishonesty will do you no good, but honesty can save your life†(10:2). This passage is an ellipsis because it leaves out detail to how exactly honesty can save your life, but it will do you more good than being dishonest. You will be rewarded for choosing to act wisely. â€Å"The Lord will not let good people go hun gry, but he will keep the wicked from getting what they want†(10:3). This passage shows the world as a just world, that God/dess will keep things even keel, even though this is not the case. Things are unfair sometimes, and using observation on personal life experiences, bad things can happen to good people. Although this passage does teach that if you choose to be good, you will be taken care of, and if you choose to be wicked you will not always get what you want. There are two choices here on how to live, good or wicked, and good judgment would be choosing to be good. It encourages again the need for right decision making. These passages lack emotion; they are just a steady flow of advice. They speak of retribution; you will get what’s coming to you. If you choose to be lazy, you will be poor and not achieve any status, if you choose... ... that if you make the right decision, God will help you, he will guide and save you. This maybe the details that are left out of Proverbs, there may not be a need for detail at all. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, don’t be lazy, the out come then will be the help of the Lord. This advice is God/dess’ guidance, it is then up to you which path you will take, what decisions will be made, and which life you choose to live. The Lord can only bring us this far; He/She is unable to help, if we are do not make the right decisions and live righteously.                Works Cited Bricker, Daniel P. The Doctrine of the â€Å"Two Ways†in Proverbs. Doctoral candidate in      Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. 1995. ATLA index. Buttrick, George Arthur. The Interpreter’s Bible, twelve volumes. Abingdon Press,      Nashville, 1984.      Clifford, Richard J., A Commentary by†¦ Proverbs, The Old Testament Library.      Editorial Advisory Board; James L. Mays, Carol A. Newsom, David I.      Petersen. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1999. Drane, John. Introducing the Old Testament. Harper & Row, Publishers. San Francisco,      1987.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Patient Education Plan for an Epilepsy Case of a Hispanic Family Unit Essay
Patient education is best when viewed as a personal way of conducting interpersonal communication between two people: the teacher and the learner. The learning process follows a method that should be apt per case and per person, centering more on the side of the learner and the attached circumstances, context, and environment. For clinical teaching that is bound by dynamic interrelationships and interactions, successful teaching and learning requires understanding three things: the learner, the learner, and the learner. It is best to come up with a patient education plan that would suit the specific case for a successful processing of the teaching and learning methods. Main Body The case In a given case wherein a Hispanic family, having low social economic and education status, and one that speaks only the Spanish language, acquires an epilepsy case on one of the parents’ male child (about 10 years old), extensive teaching is primarily needed to educate the parents and the patient on how to take care of an epileptic person. With the obvious lack of knowledge on the child’s disease, it is very obvious that they need to learn what the illness is all about, how it affects the child, how it would affect the family, and what they can do to lighten the effects of the said illness. The strategy should be dependent on the given case†¦ taking note of the basic challenges, such as the family’s lack of knowledge on the disease, their rigidity in terms of language, culture, and education, as well as the state of the child being male of Hispanic culture. The basic goal should be for the parents (and the patient) to understand essentially what the illness is all about, or what they should do during the attacks. The strategy The patient education plan is composed of five basic steps that should be processed effectively: first is the assessment stage; second is the planning stage; third is the implementation stage; fourth is the checking stage; fifth and final is the evaluation stage. For the assessment stage, we calculate the communication level of the learners. Significant issues have something to do with the ability to read and write, to understand and to be mindful of the said event. It would also be good to measure the level of willingness or the readiness to learn, the overall acceptance, and the basic attitude that they have. These are detrimental in designing the strategy that should match the specific context and case. Most probably the case would reveal a not-very-willing attitude, lack of motivation and acceptance, and an approach that centers on privacy and confidentiality. They would most probably choose to tackle the issue in a more private and personal way, with a need to leave their faith and ego intact by revealing that their case is not very life-threatening or very severe. For the planning stage, we design the things that they would need to know, as based on the assessment of needs that was conducted on the learners. It is definite that the general information on epilepsy should be included in patient education. Yet, before focusing on the basic facts about the illness, there first has to be some lectures centered on the following issues: first, the need for willingness by explaining how the child badly needs their support; second, the readiness to learn by revealing the things that they can do in order to help the child; third, the overall acceptance by explaining the general facts about epilepsy; finally, a motivated outlook by revealing to them that people are willing to help them and their child in battling over the disease. Reflecting over the case, it would be harder to give lectures on Hispanic people without learning how to communicate with them effectively. It would be best to find a nurse or medical employee, who is Spanish-speaking, who has a heart to help people, and who speaks effectively so as to motivate the learners more easily. For the implementation stage, the information can be sent by means of lecture, handouts, discussion, or demonstration. However, because the issue includes methods of treating the child during convulsion attacks (e. g. , putting spoon in the mouth, holding or speaking calmly to the child), it would be best to use methods that are conducted in face-to-face education and training. It would be best to instigate the use of lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. It is important, however, to choose a speaker who would be able to convey the basic ideas effectively. It is not important whether the lecture finishes in a day, a week or a month. What is more important is that the learners are able to grasp their mission concerning the child, and that there is nothing new or unusual about their having a sick child. It would also be best to include only the parents during the lecture period because the general biological pattern of the illness might frighten the child. The child can be included, however, during the discussion period, when the subject is being tackled more lightly; and during the demonstration period, when the focus shifts to practical methods used in handling the child. The checking stage can be conducted weekly during meetings with the physician. It is important that the parents and the child develop a personal bond with both the physician and the nurse for best treatment of the case. As for the evaluation stage, this is done only temporarily after the processing of patient education. In truth, however, patient education should go on until the time that the patient is already cured of his or her illness. Conclusion To deal with patients is to deal in a personal way. Given the specific case, this would probably mean having to find ways that would financially help the family in dealing with the challenges. The lack of knowledge and education mean longer and more meticulous methods in implementing the strategy. Being of Hispanic culture, male children are being regarded as the very hope, future, and foundation of the family. In using targeted individualized patient information, we come up with a strategy that is more effective, suitable, and appropriate.
Monday, January 6, 2020
A Problem for the Aviation Industry Essay - 1432 Words
Section 217: A Problem for the Aviation Industry On a cold February evening in 2009, just outside the city of Buffalo, New York, two pilots crashed a new aircraft on final approach to land into Buffalo Niagara International Airport. In an effort to prevent an accident of a similar nature from happening, the U.S. Congress passed H.R. 5900, the ‘Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act.’ This bill under Title II was aimed to enhance airline safety and in part prevent an accident of this nature from occurring again (U.S. House 2010). Section 217 of the bill pushes the minimum hours required to act as a pilot on a regional carrier up to 1,500 total flight hours and requires those persons to do an extensive Air†¦show more content†¦Asia’s economy is booming and this has resulted in the growth of many startup carriers that offer tax-free salaries and free housing for pilots with less than 1500 hours – a very attractive opportunity. This may cause a potential migration of pilots that would lead to many U.S. airlines having planes but no one qualified to fly them. Further contributing to the shortage is that the cost to become a pilot is already expensive, causing low interest in the field; this law would make it even worse. By calculation, if a potential pilot were to start today, he would probably be facing a debt of between $50,000 and $80,000 just to receive the flight training required to gain 250 hours (Chatterjee). Added to this is the cost of attending a college with an accredited program. Potential pilots could be looking at paying well over $200,000 in loans to be able to fly. Before this law passed, pilots were assured that if they worked hard and passed through all the training received from college and flight school they would be able to become a pilot with one of the regional carriers and make a small salary while obtaining the required hours for one of the major carriers. 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