Thursday, January 30, 2020
Early Childhood Education and Children Essay Example for Free
Early Childhood Education and Children Essay Are there any benefits for children stay one of parent with them at home? Mothers who stay at home are helpful for their family. Many mothers prefer to give their children to their mothers, but if there is not grandmother to care child, that will be problem especially if the child is still baby or infant. Mothers are compelled to find a place to put their child there. Many kinds of places that may mothers join their child to stay there and to have education, such as to educational settings which consist of early child education, pre-school, nursery school, and pre-kindergarten. Also, there are many places to get care and education for children nanny, governess, babysitting, au pair, and extended family, for example. In fact, mother’s decision; that choosing stay with her children at home or going to work and joining her children in convenient place, is important critical for her. A mother who stays at house are more probable to have time to be involved with their children. Those mothers who stay home is able to become more completely involved their children activities. For example, mother will give carful and interest for her children. Moreover, many people mention to needs childhood such as feeding, sustenance, and nurturing. Most women have been housewife to be breadwinners, and to be caretakers. â€Å"Child care can cost up to $15,000 for one year in the United States. Approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers†(Lynn, 2002). Indeed, many societies have been assumed that women will stay home and take care of their children while their spouses go out and work. In addition, woman pregnancy suffers to go out and doing hard work many hours without rest times, but when she stay home will get time to have rest and lying. Many mothers work to be ready for unexpected situations like a husbands unemployment, husband’s death, a divorce, or sickness. In fact, nobody wants to be working more than eight hours a day and missing his or her family life. In encouragement of mothers who want to work, Dr. Phil says that many mothers optimism to be a parent and pursue an occupation and they often become miserable when they are stuck just in a parenting capacity. If the child is mothered by a parent who is feeling frustrated and depressed and empty, that is not a good thing, he says. Even though some parents are now separated, father continues in the role of primary caregiver to his children, while mother continue to support her family. A man is not hard to give up the traditional role as breadwinner. However, A woman can be more responsibility to earn money and take care for her family. A lot of women have been socialized to be service workers for their societies, not solely to be housewife. Some time a man feels difficult to abdicate some things like giving up self-worth, feelings of masculinity and personal power. It can be tough on men, especially in the beginning. In conclusion, its these deeper issues. Making the decision to stay home with your children or join the workforce can be a difficult process. It appears approximating employed moms just cant success. Every woman has dream to be effective in her society and earn money, but she will face challenges with her care children. Sources 1. Dr. Phil: http://drphil. com/articles/article/284 2. Olson, Lynn (2002). [According to the 2002 Quality Counts survey conducted by Education Week, approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers. Starting Early]. Education Week 21 (17): 10–11. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Proverbs Essay -- Bible Religion
Proverbs: Choice and Discernment, the Two Ways of Living      In studying the book of Proverbs there is a similar theme of choice and discernment, the teachings of decision-making and the repercussions of your actions. These books are made up of extremes and polar opposites. The dualisms are the rich and poor, the righteous and the wicked, and the wise and the foolish. There is advice given and it is up to the judgment of the person to which category they will fall into. There are two ways of living, and based on the person’s discernment and ultimate choice to which one they will get to live.      This paper will focus on Proverbs 10, 12, and 14, Solomon’s Proverbs, to display this theme of choice and discernment. Proverb 10 is an antithetical parallelism, because the second line is opposite of the first. This passage is both observational and didactic. Some of the passages are subtle entities and some are teachings that promote an ideal. â€Å" Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their mothers grief†(10:1). This first passage is very simple; if you are wise, then you will be good to your parents, the teaching is, do not be foolish. The next passage has great insight, â€Å"wealth you get by dishonesty will do you no good, but honesty can save your life†(10:2). This passage is an ellipsis because it leaves out detail to how exactly honesty can save your life, but it will do you more good than being dishonest. You will be rewarded for choosing to act wisely. â€Å"The Lord will not let good people go hun gry, but he will keep the wicked from getting what they want†(10:3). This passage shows the world as a just world, that God/dess will keep things even keel, even though this is not the case. Things are unfair sometimes, and using observation on personal life experiences, bad things can happen to good people. Although this passage does teach that if you choose to be good, you will be taken care of, and if you choose to be wicked you will not always get what you want. There are two choices here on how to live, good or wicked, and good judgment would be choosing to be good. It encourages again the need for right decision making. These passages lack emotion; they are just a steady flow of advice. They speak of retribution; you will get what’s coming to you. If you choose to be lazy, you will be poor and not achieve any status, if you choose... ... that if you make the right decision, God will help you, he will guide and save you. This maybe the details that are left out of Proverbs, there may not be a need for detail at all. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, don’t be lazy, the out come then will be the help of the Lord. This advice is God/dess’ guidance, it is then up to you which path you will take, what decisions will be made, and which life you choose to live. The Lord can only bring us this far; He/She is unable to help, if we are do not make the right decisions and live righteously.                Works Cited Bricker, Daniel P. The Doctrine of the â€Å"Two Ways†in Proverbs. Doctoral candidate in      Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. 1995. ATLA index. Buttrick, George Arthur. The Interpreter’s Bible, twelve volumes. Abingdon Press,      Nashville, 1984.      Clifford, Richard J., A Commentary by†¦ Proverbs, The Old Testament Library.      Editorial Advisory Board; James L. Mays, Carol A. Newsom, David I.      Petersen. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1999. Drane, John. Introducing the Old Testament. Harper & Row, Publishers. San Francisco,      1987.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Patient Education Plan for an Epilepsy Case of a Hispanic Family Unit Essay
Patient education is best when viewed as a personal way of conducting interpersonal communication between two people: the teacher and the learner. The learning process follows a method that should be apt per case and per person, centering more on the side of the learner and the attached circumstances, context, and environment. For clinical teaching that is bound by dynamic interrelationships and interactions, successful teaching and learning requires understanding three things: the learner, the learner, and the learner. It is best to come up with a patient education plan that would suit the specific case for a successful processing of the teaching and learning methods. Main Body The case In a given case wherein a Hispanic family, having low social economic and education status, and one that speaks only the Spanish language, acquires an epilepsy case on one of the parents’ male child (about 10 years old), extensive teaching is primarily needed to educate the parents and the patient on how to take care of an epileptic person. With the obvious lack of knowledge on the child’s disease, it is very obvious that they need to learn what the illness is all about, how it affects the child, how it would affect the family, and what they can do to lighten the effects of the said illness. The strategy should be dependent on the given case†¦ taking note of the basic challenges, such as the family’s lack of knowledge on the disease, their rigidity in terms of language, culture, and education, as well as the state of the child being male of Hispanic culture. The basic goal should be for the parents (and the patient) to understand essentially what the illness is all about, or what they should do during the attacks. The strategy The patient education plan is composed of five basic steps that should be processed effectively: first is the assessment stage; second is the planning stage; third is the implementation stage; fourth is the checking stage; fifth and final is the evaluation stage. For the assessment stage, we calculate the communication level of the learners. Significant issues have something to do with the ability to read and write, to understand and to be mindful of the said event. It would also be good to measure the level of willingness or the readiness to learn, the overall acceptance, and the basic attitude that they have. These are detrimental in designing the strategy that should match the specific context and case. Most probably the case would reveal a not-very-willing attitude, lack of motivation and acceptance, and an approach that centers on privacy and confidentiality. They would most probably choose to tackle the issue in a more private and personal way, with a need to leave their faith and ego intact by revealing that their case is not very life-threatening or very severe. For the planning stage, we design the things that they would need to know, as based on the assessment of needs that was conducted on the learners. It is definite that the general information on epilepsy should be included in patient education. Yet, before focusing on the basic facts about the illness, there first has to be some lectures centered on the following issues: first, the need for willingness by explaining how the child badly needs their support; second, the readiness to learn by revealing the things that they can do in order to help the child; third, the overall acceptance by explaining the general facts about epilepsy; finally, a motivated outlook by revealing to them that people are willing to help them and their child in battling over the disease. Reflecting over the case, it would be harder to give lectures on Hispanic people without learning how to communicate with them effectively. It would be best to find a nurse or medical employee, who is Spanish-speaking, who has a heart to help people, and who speaks effectively so as to motivate the learners more easily. For the implementation stage, the information can be sent by means of lecture, handouts, discussion, or demonstration. However, because the issue includes methods of treating the child during convulsion attacks (e. g. , putting spoon in the mouth, holding or speaking calmly to the child), it would be best to use methods that are conducted in face-to-face education and training. It would be best to instigate the use of lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. It is important, however, to choose a speaker who would be able to convey the basic ideas effectively. It is not important whether the lecture finishes in a day, a week or a month. What is more important is that the learners are able to grasp their mission concerning the child, and that there is nothing new or unusual about their having a sick child. It would also be best to include only the parents during the lecture period because the general biological pattern of the illness might frighten the child. The child can be included, however, during the discussion period, when the subject is being tackled more lightly; and during the demonstration period, when the focus shifts to practical methods used in handling the child. The checking stage can be conducted weekly during meetings with the physician. It is important that the parents and the child develop a personal bond with both the physician and the nurse for best treatment of the case. As for the evaluation stage, this is done only temporarily after the processing of patient education. In truth, however, patient education should go on until the time that the patient is already cured of his or her illness. Conclusion To deal with patients is to deal in a personal way. Given the specific case, this would probably mean having to find ways that would financially help the family in dealing with the challenges. The lack of knowledge and education mean longer and more meticulous methods in implementing the strategy. Being of Hispanic culture, male children are being regarded as the very hope, future, and foundation of the family. In using targeted individualized patient information, we come up with a strategy that is more effective, suitable, and appropriate.
Monday, January 6, 2020
A Problem for the Aviation Industry Essay - 1432 Words
Section 217: A Problem for the Aviation Industry On a cold February evening in 2009, just outside the city of Buffalo, New York, two pilots crashed a new aircraft on final approach to land into Buffalo Niagara International Airport. In an effort to prevent an accident of a similar nature from happening, the U.S. Congress passed H.R. 5900, the ‘Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act.’ This bill under Title II was aimed to enhance airline safety and in part prevent an accident of this nature from occurring again (U.S. House 2010). Section 217 of the bill pushes the minimum hours required to act as a pilot on a regional carrier up to 1,500 total flight hours and requires those persons to do an extensive Air†¦show more content†¦Asia’s economy is booming and this has resulted in the growth of many startup carriers that offer tax-free salaries and free housing for pilots with less than 1500 hours – a very attractive opportunity. This may cause a potential migration of pilots that would lead to many U.S. airlines having planes but no one qualified to fly them. Further contributing to the shortage is that the cost to become a pilot is already expensive, causing low interest in the field; this law would make it even worse. By calculation, if a potential pilot were to start today, he would probably be facing a debt of between $50,000 and $80,000 just to receive the flight training required to gain 250 hours (Chatterjee). Added to this is the cost of attending a college with an accredited program. Potential pilots could be looking at paying well over $200,000 in loans to be able to fly. Before this law passed, pilots were assured that if they worked hard and passed through all the training received from college and flight school they would be able to become a pilot with one of the regional carriers and make a small salary while obtaining the required hours for one of the major carriers. 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