Friday, May 29, 2020
Middle East history Coursework - 1650 Words
Middle East history (Coursework Sample) Content: MIDDLE EAST HISTORYNameInstitutionInstructorCourse Date Middle East history1. The great game Forces associated with global political and economical modernity have influenced and shaped economical, social, political and cultural life in many regions of the world. There were major powers that emerged in the last 500 years, shaping the current international states and modern economic inclination and development (Gelvin, 2011). Some of these powers include the British and Russia, who scrambled for geopolitical influences in many regions of the world. The conflict and rivalry between the Russian Empire and the British Empire to control the Central Asia resulted to The Great Game. It is usually marked with 1813 Russo-Persian Treaty, to the 1907, Anglo-Russian Convention (Gelvin, 2011). The two powers tried use geopolitical machinations to gain influence and political power in the region.The industrial and technological revolution, coupled with limited resources was the main motivators behind the great game. The Russian and the Briton wanted to conquer regions like the Central Asia to expand on their industrial production and exploiting minerals and other resources (Gelvin, 2011). The other reasons for the great game were for military strategic plans by British, who show the expansion of the Russian Empire into Central Asia, as a threat to its occupation in the other regions of the world, like India.Some of the success of the British includes the occupation of Kabul in 1839, taking of Chitral in 1895, taking of Hinza in 1891 and the agreement to solely control the Afghanistan foreign affairs (Gelvin, 2011). Some of the failures of Britons include expel from Kabul in 1842 and failure to stop Russia from occupying some regions of Afghan. Some of the success of the Russian includes taking of Geok Tepe in 1879 and Merv in 1884(Gelvin, 2011).Some of the Russian failure includes the failure to control Afghanistan. Current Iran had been under the occupation o f Safavid dynasty, and later Qajar dynasty, which had great influence from the British (Gelvin, 2011). The major empires influenced the modern day outlook and political inclination of modern day Iran.2. Ottoman Empire collapse in the end of the 19th and early part of the 20th CenturiesThe Ottoman Empire had a great influence to the modern outlook of Asia and other parts of the world. Ottoman Empire expanded greatly to Middle East, southern Europe and North Africa. The 19th century shows Ottoman Empire losing the Serbia, Greece and Egypt (Gelvin, 2011). It was entered profligate spending and modernizations which caused the empire to become bankrupt. It was forced to seek money from every avenue it could. The Empire failed to produce enough and imposed greedy and huge taxation to farmers. It was failing to modernize the empire to a competitive level with the West in terms of military and infrastructure. This signaled disaster and its failure to the end of 10th century and in the ear ly 20th century.Young Turks revolution of 1908 took the Ottoman government in the hands of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and Enver bay. Mahmet Ali was in leadership and wanted to revive the process of reforms (Gelvin, 2011). This came with a promise to have an efficient constitution, and great tolerance to minorities and Arabs. This failed to materialize due to the involvement of Ottoman to several disastrous wars, including World War one, with inevitable loss of empire territories. Ottoman Empire experienced a decline in the military ability, just before the World War One. The empire sided with the Central Powers during the World War One (Gelvin, 2011). British and allies pressed them from the south and the Armenians and Russians put more pressure on the north. Turks were involved in genocide for the Armenians, who sided with the Russians. This caused the defeat of the Ottoman Empire together with the Central Powers.Despite the lack of proper military planning, Ottoman Empire failed to develop the necessary industries to ensure economic success (Gelvin, 2011). The other failure by the empire was a failure to develop proper monetary systems to shield itself from bankruptcy. Finally, the Turkish leaders attack on Armenians created a loss of trust to the whole of the empires leadership policies and abilities.3. Middle East adoption of western ideasSpread of modernism from the West had profound effects in some aspects of life. The globalization and integration of the market in the global market, forced the people of middle to adapt to the idea of the western world (Gelvin, 2011). This change affected areas such as areas of government, economy, social changes like status of women, and culture. World system of nation state and change in the world economy were putting pressure on the Middle East countries to rethink their position in reforms.The success of western economy and occupation started to make the people of Middle East to question their religiou s beliefs, culture and government system. Middle East had experienced a long series of empires from the Ottoman, Safavid Empire, to Qajar dynasty (Gelvin, 2011). The western countries on the other hand were democracies with much of the decision reached through majority. Western nations had also developed complex technology and stable economies, not forgetting the military powers due to these advancements. An effort to reach a medium between rejection and adaptation caused the modernization (Gelvin, 2011). The culture changed in the most of the regions and western architecture was incorporated in the cities and town new buildings, these include things like skyscrapers buildings. Women were at some degree liberated and were allowed into the economy and in some regions to the politics. The other changes included the separation of politics with religion as it was with the west. This was adopted by some few Middle East countries and the rest opted for modernization of Islamic, where the government would be more flexible, and diverse. Afghan, for example, started to harmonize the Islamic laws with modernization, to achieve a more stable and cable government (Gelvin, 2011). There was also acceptance and tolerance of art and music from the western artists. The Middle East countries also started economic and trade integration with the rest of the world, opening up trade barriers and liberalizing trade.4. Defensive developmentalismGelvin came up with the concept of defensive developmentalism, which was the copying of the Europeans governance methods by the rulers of states outside Europe and imposing them to their states (Gelvin, 2011). This method of governance was effect...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Examine and Assess How Political Order Is Made and Repaired
Examine and assess how political order is made and repaired. In this TMA I will examine and assess how political order is made mainly through the state. In order to create, maintain and repair political order, the state needs authority from its citizens to do so and this authority needs to be legitimate. ‘Legitimacy refers to a belief in the states rightness, its right to rule or the idea that its authority is proper.’ I will then explain how today, legitimacy is closely linked to democracy and it is through free and fair elections that the state receives legitimacy. The degree to which individuals legitimise the state is varied and individuals or groups of people can also engage critically with the state. Creating political†¦show more content†¦One way citizens can legitimise their relationship with the state is through ‘citizenship ceremonies’ however most citizens do not attend such ceremonies. ‘Many of the everyday practises and discourses of the state, its discourses, its symbols and the ways in which state actors and institutions represent themselves to the people, are involved in the process of legitimation; that is to say, the states claim of legitimacy from its citizens.’ So through peoples everyday practises and activities like paying taxes or taking the car for an MOT individuals are involved in the making and remaking of the state. This is another way through which people legitimise the state. However, ‘one of the main ways individuals express their acceptance or rejection of the state is through the ballot box.’ Elections ‘provide a means for people to question and reflect on this or that government policy, the adequacy of this or that government agency, or the talents and policies of this or that party, candidate or official.’ ‘Today we would see free and fair democratic elections as the main, if not the only, reasonable indicator of whether people have given ‘express consent’ to those who hold state-derived power over them.’ Its possible to see that state legitimacy is closely linked to democracy. This is because through democracy the state claims legitimacy to rule over people in a certain territory. Democracy is a form of political order few dare to oppose (Sen) even if theyShow MoreRelatedPolitical Order1635 Words  | 7 PagesPolitical order refers to a set of organizations, and a series of actions that enables the state to try and stabilize society to create a sense of order, therefore preventing social chaos. Political order and disorder are everywhere - we practice this on an everyday scale. Social Scientists try to connect the routine and micro-level effects of everyday lives, with the larger scale process of the State, which provides an institution for political order for society.This essay will examine and assessRead MoreOshkosh Corporation : An Marketer And Manufacturer Of Specialty Vehicles, Equipment, And Truck Bodies2940 Words  | 12 Pagescommercial fire apparatuses, concrete batch plants, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), all-make parts, aircraft rescue and fire fighting vehicles, financing, aftermarket services, and training. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Obesity A Common Problem - 2023 Words
Obesity is a common problem in America that continues to increase throughout the years. It is a problem because of the life threatening side effects that are posed to a lot of individuals. A lot of blame is placed on the laziness of the modern times. People are getting lazy and don’t go outside or have any form of exercise anymore. Meanwhile, there are fast food chains catering to these people, continuing to increase everywhere people go. It is common knowledge that fast food is not healthy. Unhealthy foods are lot cheaper than the cheaper foods people can be consuming instead. In addition to prices, fast food is also a lot quicker to attain. These low prices and easy access are what attract people to the food and keep them coming back and in turn, contributing to the factors of weight gain in the country. This is why there is a large debate on how food industries are to blame for the increased food consumption leading to weight gain. There are many factors involved when it co mes to obesity, but whether fast food or individual responsibility is to blame will be analyzed. The measure of body fat are usually categorized under the classifications of either underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese. This is based on the body mass index of individuals, which is a measure derived from a person’s mass and height. Having a BMI of above 25 would be considered overweight. Becoming overweight and obesity occurs when the intake of calories is greater than the calories burned.Show MoreRelatedObesity Is A Common Problem1222 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the world, obesity is a common problem. This is especially true for the United States. About 22 million children were obese at the age of five in 2007 (Stern and Kazaks 1), and this trend keeps growing every year. Effects of obesity control quality of life from something as simple as ease of mobility to as serious as mental health issues regarding low self-esteem. 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By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness. Therefore
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Question free essay sample
Referencing allows one to acknowledge the contribution of other writers and researchers within the name field of study or work. Referencing can be from various sources e. G. Books, published articles, journals, news paper articles and internet websites to name a few (Said, n. D. ). Any essay or assignment written by a university student or academic that draws ideas from other sources must contain citation. Citation is the form of in text referencing within the body of the assignment. The idea of referencing is to keep a student from plagiarism. Plagiarism is referred to as the passing of anothers idea as your own without giving due credit (Denmark Study Pack, 2010). Referencing is important for successful research and also for ones reader(s) so that they can see how and where the student conducted his research. Referencing is also a way to give credit to writers from whom one would have borrowed ideas. We will write a custom essay sample on Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a form of respecting and acknowledging the intellectual rights of the researcher or writer.A student or academic has the right to draw from the many ideas, insights and arguments published by other writers and researchers over a number of years. All one simply has to do is acknowledge their contribution to the essay or assignment by form of referencing and/or citing the author. Referencing then helps the reader find the original source if they wish to get more clarity. Writing skills are a major role player within a students life mostly because it is the most open channel of communication between the students and the lectures, also giving the student an opportunity to impress his lecturer.If a student then masters the art of referencing, he would have intern mastered a critical writing skill. One should always reference their work as a measure to support his claims or arguments with authenticity. Http:// www. LLC. Nuns. Du. AU states that, by citing experts within a particular field of duty, one will be showing the lecture or marker that he is familiar and well versed with his field of operation. Multiple referencing also shows the reader or marker that the student would have done wide research and would have understood the topic in question.This will help the student attain better marks for the essay or assignment. Referencing is important again because it enables the student to plan his work and also to manage his time more efficiently. These attributes once gained, may also be implemented even in a setting that is not academic. A student also learns the art Of keeping records cause they will be keeping and maintaining records of references and reference lists. There are quite a number of referencing models that are widely used all over the world for the best and most efficient results.
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